I think it's angling that we should be impressed with what he's able to pull off given the workload, not that we should feel bad for him.
I think it's angling that we should be impressed with what he's able to pull off given the workload, not that we should feel bad for him.
Yes. I just think misgendering =/= actual harm, that's all.
Yes, thanks! I'll still never use it, but it's interesting to know that people out there who will!
Abrupt blocking for no actual reason is Vogon Fission's territory.
Sorry, my sarcasm generator is clearly off today. Apologies for anything I said that sounded negative.
My apologies.
I prefer Europe. Are you telling me that adults actually vocalize the word "Latinx" in Latin America?
It's pretty clear by your comment that you hate Latinx women.
I'd argue a longer bow is demanding the cancellation of a show you don't like because of a bad joke; further, a publication like the A.V. Club thinking that such a ludicrous demand carries any additional weight just because it has "thousands of retweets."
You'll pull a muscle patting yourself on the back like that!
I know, I'm just fucking around.
No human being has, outside of thinkpieces and comments sections.
That's a pretty brave opinion to tout around here, fella.
Since it's so important he speak up about one issue — a bad joke by a white guy — maybe he should also speak up about another one, except the only difference is that instead of a bad joke by a white guy, it's a black guy doing nothing more than threatening the lives of transgender people.
Tell me about it. Thankfully we've solved every other major world problem to the point where now we can focus on this kind of trivial horseshit.
"Considering that Latinx people are the ones who came up with it"
Ugh. We truly are heading to a future where we literally will be unable to say the words male or female to describe anything.
In other news, while Chance the Rapper has yet to weigh in on this controversy, he's still really mad at Bill Maher for using the n-word.
You shouldn't be. Fuck what the AV Club hivemind has to say about it. If you think it's a funny show, which I do as well, then fuck it. It's a funny show.
Yeah, I saw them live in Florence this year, and once again, no Burn the Witch. Last year at MSG they opened with it, but it seems like 2017 isn't the year of the witch.