Sham Sith

You left out Pepsi Lady

For the same reason some people "tl;dr" their own posts. We're insecure, and this is the internet so we know there's bound to be some asshole about to cut down our genuine comment with a terse "cool story, bro" or "hot take" so we try to take the wind out of their sails by beating them to the punch of their own shitty


That's a hate crime. We're a sect. We're a group.

[After finding out that Larry asked one of his business partners about the partner's toddler son's huge penis]
Cheryl: Why would you do that, Larry?
Larry: I took a risk.

Uh, yeah

His anger I can actually make some sense of.

You need to buy some weed and smoke it already.

Weird, man. Smoke a joint and fucking relax.

TCRM will only be happy when the AV Club's conversion into an actual, physical hive-mind is complete.

Caring about shit is stupid, but caring about bullshit is especially stupid.

"I'm not in favor of ideological purity tests that no one could ever pass"

I bet that's why they're going to Kinja. With Disqus you don't have to reload the page to see new comments.

But the people with the different viewpoints, they're the trolls

It's scary what progressivism has become.

"I'm less racist than you/him!"

Nah I'm pretty sure Maher HATES Koreans, as much as he HATES blacks and Muslims. He HATES them. That much is evidenced by his lame jokes.


"I'm not saying they're the same"

Jesus. Okay, fucking obtuse morons: