Ugh, fuck off.
Ugh, fuck off.
He hates Muslims so much he had one on his show last week.
I think you started off with a good point (this hypersensitivity is what drives people away from progressivism, not towards it), but you veered off track with the Chinese comment.
You could only make that argument for any company if you ignored context. I personally would find it rather facile to equate poisoned rivers and a ruined environment to a bad-joke tweet.
It would certainly be an unwelcome side effect of his primary agenda. It's almost like people don't think these things through.
Right, which is more to the point: who, exactly, is punished when a show gets cancelled? The highly-compensated host (who still has his history of high compensation to fall back on), or the dozens of workers that are happy to have a paycheck that week?
"Saying racism"? What on earth kind of criticism is this?
Indeed. I always make fun of conservatives for trying to "out-conservative" each other, but man do we leftists/liberals/progressives/whatever take the cake sometimes.
That was honestly a more substantive contribution than Lt. Broccoli's.
The "studio space" is the same space that shoots The Price is Right every day. CBS owns it and rents it out to productions. So yes, the big corporation will be fine. But the dozens of freelance/permalance employees may not be.
Odds are, given the way the industry works, they are all independent contractors, and not HBO employees. So they might have some contacts that can help them move to other HBO series, but I wouldn't assume that's the case, especially since it operates under the assumption that there are currently vacant positions at…
I wish more would. Apparently literally any criticism of Islam or its practices = Islamophobia. Not sure how that works out, but I know better than to voice a dissenting opinion on this topic, lest I get a stern lecture about the Crusades again.
Ain't that the truth. But apparently Dikachu would rather see 100-200 people lose their jobs working on a TV show than have Bill Maher tell hacky jokes every week on pay cable, or for free on the internet.
There's never been a better time to be an actual racist, because with all the "you're/he's a racist!" accusations that get thrown around so casually these days, you can just blend right in with the crowd.
Finally I can find out what the AV Club thinks of Bill Maher!
Maher's a pretty easy target on here. I hear next O'Neal is going to do a write-up about the Red Hot Chili Peppers; I look forward to hearing what the AV Clubbers think of them.
Every time a bad joke gets made by a comedian, I look forward to reading an entire Newswire article about it.
Yeah, I really don't know why this is an article, other than it being Friday afternoon and a relatively slow news day.
Not only can't we ignore them, we apparently have to write entire Newswires about them now.