Sham Sith

What race is he racist against?

Same exact way I felt about the whole Bill Maher "n-word" controversy from a month or so ago. A bad joke removed of all context always looks worse than what it is, which again, was merely just a bad joke. Not a hate crime. Not punching down. Not another example of the white cismale patriarchy. Just a bad joke.

To Serve Veg…

Thankfully The Fountain had the balls to clock in at just over 90 minutes.

Love love love love The Fountain. It's definitely one of the most divisive movies I can think of, though.

You missed out. Anybody can go to a bar.

The panic, the vomit!
The panic, the vomit!

Man, I just remembered how The Office, Community, 30 Rock, and Parks and Recreation all used to be on the same night. We didn't know how good we had it.

In Chance's defense, his tweet calling for the cancelling of Bill Maher's show, despite getting "thousands of retweets," was a colossal failure in that Maher's show continues to air.

Certainly better than Prison Mike did in a do-rag.

Is that, like, miles ahead?

I'm pretty sure Daryl literally did that to Michael in an episode of The Office.


All I'm saying is that I'm glad a white person invented clothing at some point since I'd hate to be accused of appropriating someone else's precious and untouchable Culture.

Unless aave invented the English language, cultural appropriation is a stupid thing to care about

San Junipero or bust.

As long as streaming services like Netflix and Hulu continue to not feature DVD extras like deleted scenes or commentaries, DVDs will continue to be worthwhile

Are you trolling on purpose?

Eat shit, asshole.

Just saw them perform in Florence a few days ago. Their performance of exit music (for a film) was magnificent.