Sham Sith

Conservatism in a nutshell. The Empathy power-up is only activated when something affects their life personally.

I think it's pretty safe to say that anybody who uses the words "freedom" or "liberty" doesn't truly believe in either, in the same way people that complain that "they hate drama" are the ones most likely to foment it.

Satire, yes? Please be satire. Please don't be a real human being with parents or children.

Given his diet and exercise, it's most probably that the one taking the shot at Trump will be Trump himself.

There's a commenter on The Blaze who uses that photo of Satan/Obama as his avatar.

Christ almighty. Next time he eats KFC, I hope he bites off more than he can chew and straight up fucking dies.

Oh Christ almighty, go fuck yourself.

While I think the reaction was overblown, wouldn't you agree that there's a difference between saying something and quoting something?

True. But, this is the game we're playing now, and we need to play in order to win. We'd be morons to think otherwise.

If you agree on a lot of the same political shit, yeah, he's on your team.

Opened. Maybe next time focus on the message instead of questioning the messenger.

Perfectly acceptable apology. No jokes or qualifications or "sorry about your feelings." Just an apology.

The way you compulsively filter yourself makes your lack of flavor kind of a flavor.

The proper word is "conservative."

UGH who gives a shit

A, ha ha, Robert Muldoon, my game warden from Kenya. A bit of an alarmist, I'm afraid, but knows more about music than anyone.

Are cargo shorts an American giveaway? Or just tasteless?

You realize some piece of shit conservative is now hyperlinking to your comment as irrefutable proof that those 3 million votes were illegal.

That movie gave us Exit Music (For a Film). It gets a pass.

Glad to see the hot friend from season 1 of The Leftovers is getting some more work.