Sham Sith

NDT said it best: "If we have the power to turn Mars into Earth, then we have the power to turn Earth into Earth."

Off-topic but related: Everywhere here in SoCal I see these insufferable bumper stickers that say "26.2" and "13.1", designating how many miles in a marathon these heroes ran or whatever.

"Ok yeah I get it"

If percentages matter that much to you, how about whatever the percentage they're represented in reality?

I dunno, something like non-minorities don't get to work as actors anymore?

Job X, of course, meaning an advertising executive trying to come up with The Big Pitch.

I, as an extreme, foaming-at-the-mouth liberal, will never be happy until 100% of speaking roles in movies are performed by minorities

First Milo, then Tomi.