Shamrock Meats

Sorry pal, but YOU are exactly what is wrong with the world today.

I hope you don’t have a dog or cat. Also, stay away from the great outdoors. You’re not liked by nature.

Yes there are basques on both sides of the border.

I can only assume you’re talking about the bull, and not the idiot who decided to fuck with the bull in an enclosed space.

He was good, friendly, affable, generous man. With a family. A small daughter. Who tortured and killed animals to entertain a mob.

What? Nobody on the internet made him climb into a circle and try to kill a fucking pissed off bull. If you want to grieve for his family, maybe he should have had them in mind when he decided try to slowly kill dangerous animals for a living. He died doing something dangerous and barbaric in a silly costume- that is

I think they’re going to have to do one of two things.

Well fuck how are we going to enjoy Father’s Day now that this has happened

How do LA sports work? Meaning, what geographic regions pull for the Lakers vs the Clippers?

The Mets are paying Bonilla twice as much as the yankees are paying aaron judge this season.

Bobby Bonilla day should be a nation holiday

Offhand, I’d think blimps are quieter, and can stay aloft longer. Batteries on drones don’t last very long.

Why are Blimps still a thing in 2017? Can’t they just fly a dang drone above a stadium for an aerial shot?

Lucky spectators, getting to see something exciting.

Good to see the US Open decided to honor Tiger Woods’ career with this symbolic gesture.

I’ve been reading this site daily for more than eleven fucking years, and this is the content that keeps me coming back.

whatever. She still won the popular slope.

The funniest line in this post was “Additional reporting by Tom Ley.”

“Wonder what Jonathan Papelbon is up to?”

That’s why I don’t watch the local news. Nothing but endless puff pieces.