Shamrock Meats

God, how many less people can attend a Yankee game? We’re racing to negative here.

The College Gameday signs can’t come soon enough.

Really need the Spanish announcer’s call of this.

Nice Ice, baby.

Grapefruit & clam.

No, no. Awe Jesus Christ no. You’re missing the point. I’m an American making a drive-by snarky comment about football or soccer or running ballmen or whatever you want to call it. I’m not watching 10 minutes of live soccer, and I’m sure as hell not watching an hour long video about dead Liver players. I’d prefer to

Every other entertainment and business entity in the world prices their product to demand. I think Liverpool is taking a step backward. Instead of chasing incremental revenue from the wealthier fans who can afford it, they’ll be stuck at the same level of revenue. It might be fan friendly but it’s not smart business.

It just shows that the world thinks Brady is a bigger cock then a guy who killed a dude.

Mouth still had 300 yds passing in a Super Bowl despite his offensive line getting its ass kicked..

The 1st two had important plot points & dialogue. Without seeing them, you’ll be mystified as to why you’ve got 5 teens sexing each other in dad’s garage.

If there was Olympic baseball in Brazil, it would've looked like this.

#Keep Pounding

What the hell do you expect from an industry whose inspirational beacon is Roadhouse?

And Danbury CT to Princeton NJ is 110 miles but they’re both part of the same Metro Area. Slice it however you want. It’s all the same goddamn place. And anyone who argues that the Patriots aren’t a Boston team is smoking the crackrock.

Can we stop with the “Game is not in San Francisco” bs.

Can’t believe this story still hasn’t transcended the sports world. It’s been out here forever but never goes anywhere.

Did Clemson relocate to Winston-Salem ?

Tolbert tore him a new one....

I get it. It’s funny because natural disasters.’s been to a Super Bowl.