Shamrock Meats

1. Please explain, describe & rank all the other squashes at the supermarket.

Well if Cam would get his shit together, those would be extra point attempts instead of FGs.


That Jets fake punt didn't seem that complicated. Why wouldn't he be open every time (i.e. what does a standard punt return team do that the Dolphins didn't?) Coverage issue?

Seems like we get about 1 of those a year in hockey.

Don't wave toy guns in public. Problem solved.

So if Kentucky gets a ratings bump with the Vikings games, shouldn't all of Georgia get the Lions games (Calvin Johnson & Matt Stafford)?

Did he remove his jacket for some of these shots?

The correct answer to the book question is Steven Raichlen's "How to Grill".

You don't want to give these people money. They won't save it; They'll spend it immediately & it'll never go for shelter or food. Let someone else take the money & get them the food & shelter they need.

So we took 100 people who for once were performing labor & learning work habits in exchange for food & shelter, and killed the program. Goddamit, way to screw up a good situation. These people have no shot now. F'in happy?


Nothing wrong with using a personal GPS on a plane. It's a receiver. It's not a transmitter that could be sending out a signal that could interfere with anything in the cockpit. It just receives the ever-present signals.

Wait, so everyone yells at the homeless to get off their asses & do some work. Now that they do & they're getting shelter & food as compensation, it's a problem? (ps.....I suspect if we gave them money instead, they wouldn't spend it on food & shelter....)

Go Jackets!! To Hell with Georgia!

Been there for many road games. That is every Hokie fan, ever. #buttholeoftheacc

Can't imagine anything more useless at Thanksgiving then a bowl of warmed corn.

1. Best Jets uni ever

In Soviet Russia, passengers move plane.

Winner. Good nights folks. Will be here all week.