I hope that she’s able to get out of this situation safely!
I hope that she’s able to get out of this situation safely!
Building a space launch company, a multi-thousand satellite constellation, and the most successful EV company is a snake-oil salesman?
Not to be one of those nerds who defends Elon musk, but here in California nearly every car is a Tesla and the folks who drive them all love them, swear by them, and say they’ll never drive another car that’s not a Tesla. That’s some snake oil he’s got there.
I wonder if they always intended to tone it down but didn’t consider that going too far into the greedy cash grab side before you do so is still bad.
In other words, they set the standard at unreasonable, people react negatively, they change things to more reasonable (but still very bottom line friendly), the…
You’re trying so unbelievably hard with this post, I’m almost convinced you’re a David Cage character. Can you beat up on some women to make it more convincing?
I was thinking more of the South Park vision of starting a space colony where we just harvest their seed to keep the human race going and never have to deal with their bullshit again. Well, except for my gays. They can of course stay and help make the world a more fabulous place.
Yes people are at least that dumb.
Are people so dumb...
Jon Jones.
Who? Jon Jones or Jon Jones?
J’onn J’onzz was not available for comment.
Is it Secret of Mana 1 or 2? I’m confused.
If a tree is removed and no one was around to witness it, was it ever really there?
This guy is the attitude-equivalent of Donald Trump for old video games.
More than one person doing a dumb thing doesn’t make that thing okay. Lots of people doing the same dumb thing is how we got our current president.
Except there absolutely is, since it’s a direct quote, and the reading is all wrong.