
Dirty Harry Approves.

We've had this in Indiana for awhile. I don't think their is a theft problem. Unless we don't get it.

Make friends with someone who has comcast and hbo. They give you one of their 5 free email addresses, presto HBOGO and XFINITYTV. I subscribe to HBO but my stupid provider can't get their act together to give me HBOGO, so I did the above and it works great.

The model names will match all those stupid round white stickers subaru drivers put on their windows no one understands. SXR RXF TMI JJL ETC

Why can't we all just be adults and fucking realize that in a fucking stressful warzone type situation, adults are going to say fuck. I know it, you know it. The bleeping is almost as bad as a laugh track and makes this unwatchable for me.

They do use RC cars. They drive them ahead of the convoys. They're just hard for them to get.

Also, Indiana used to not do it. Has only been doing it for like last 5 years. So I remember what it was like to not have it, and it was AWESOME.

Juliana Kincaid

Ninetndo huh? That was always how my dad pronounced it...

I do not love ping pong this much. My 300 dollar table will suffice.

It's ford. The parts will all be from the bin, probably with the same part numbers.

I'm 18 months past my upgrade date. I've been waiting for this phone.

Video isn't that great:

Uncensored Stills:

I just use a trash bag.


Done this on at least 5 occasions.

Edward Norton.

I didn't say they deserved it.

I've never seen one of these signs that if altered would endanger my life. If someone is killed because one of these signs is changed, it was only a matter of time anyway.