
That's the weirdest fucking thumb ever. Like a tiny leg with no foot.

Zune HD is ok. I got one through dell at launch for a steal. Worth it for a 32gb music player, and at the time tegra was supposed to be the shit.

Sounds like even more companies will stop making them with fines like that.

Lexus RX. Always. Women without a fucking clue.

Can also just use plastidip.

I don't think anyone drinks alcohol because they like the taste. Maybe some beers, but I hate the taste of hard liquor.

I'm sincerely looking forward to this movie. Hopefully Hungry Hungry Hippo's is next.

I'm normally not a keychain fan, but this looks supremely useful. Need to track down some paracord. Already have plenty of duct tape. I might do one of the more standard paracord keychains that give you several feet of paracord when unwrapped, then modify it to add a few feet of duct tape. Something like that

I do my best to drink water now instead of soda (and plenty of it). I'm also planning on switching to a more balanced diet once I get to my target weight.

Most of my meals are a salad (no crackers, no croutons), or low carb tortillas with some sort of meat and cheese on them. Lately it has been smoked turkey or pulled chicken from a BBQ place (plain, BBQ sauce has a lot of sugar). You can eat almost everything you ate before, just get rid of the bread. Once you start

The research on diet soda is all over the map. From what I have read, a can or two a day won't hurt you. The bad thing a lot of people do is replace that missing HFCS with some other sweet that is equally as bad or worse for you.

I've been doing low carbs (~50 grams a day) for about 3 months and have lost almost 30 pounds. I like meat and cheese so the diet isn't that tough either. Also got rid of my heartburn. I used to use tums daily, haven't had one since I cut back the carbs.


That was my first thought. Till I saw the passenger side. I'd still take it though.

Source Link:

He was just trying to install His cable.

Or eat the free continental. Either way...

The tall black thing where the engine would be on a normal SM. The bit with the fins. Motor is centered at the lowest point.

The reason the bezel looks so huge is that it's part of the packaging. Look closely.

Lots of us who ride motorcycles understand the risk. We do it because its fun. Sometimes the risk is worth the reward. I'm sorry you're disheartened by me doing what I want for fun. Something that doesn't affect you in any way.