
These are a dime a dozen in my neck of the woods. V8, RWD, Sedan. What is your price range?

I wear this shirt weekly. People love it.

Not that strange. White bike's windscreen is holding green bikes throttle open. They are talking about running dirt bike style hand guards on sport bikes to prevent this kind of stuff from happening (mostly inadvertent, or advertent brake contact across bikes).

Delivering them places? It's what logistics companies do.


I had this TV in black when I was a kid. Had a radio built in, and came with a 12v adapter. I unboxed it and was like "cool a tv", then I unboxed the playstation and nearly had a breakdown.

Perfect ad above this blurb.

Apple didn't work with Al Queda on the development of the Iphone though. IBM worked with the nazi's directly, in full knowledge of what they were doing.

No mention of the Holocaust?

Spoiler Alert much?

Where are you seeing "Femshep"? I only see male shepard and liara.

That source article reads like it was written by someone who just watched "Hackers" for the first time.

Hopefully he flips the rest.


"We imagine this was well received in the pits where the crew had been listening to Raikkonen's burning feet complaints and demands for more water the whole race."

2 chicks at the same time?

Is that dress code at a car manufacturing plant? Seems a little skimpy for the environment.

So Dirt 3 for PS3 will be locked down even longer. I should have gotten it for 360.

Eminem worked better.