
I wasted many hours playing 2142 titan maps. Last time I really played an online FPS until crysis 2. I don't remember as many cheater in BF 2142.

I haven't found a way. Would like to play the Co-op. Valve should just whip up a site, or just let us use the code on steam.

Gotta catch em' all.

"The Standard Model - the set of math that theoretical physicists came up based on all the experimental evidence about atoms, matter, electromagnetism, etc. - predicts that the Higgs boson exists, and it predicts that it is responsible for why particles have mass.

There can be only one. Only driven terribly, and also, by women.

One of the many people who pays the 100+ a month for HBO access and can't use HBO Go because brighthouse sucks.

Those are english riding pants, no miniskirt involved.

It's not a 'murrican thing. My GTI has the same setup.

Steel Battalion for the Original XBOX?

Chrysler. Still quality.

Augusta National

Oh, you said things, not people. As far as I know we are returning to capsules for people.



"and other random plastic crap"

Dubya could have used this information years ago.

Your point was clear, I was just being a troll. Your idea already exists actually:

No, because GT5 is on PS3.

That, and won't exposed timing gears be bad in a sandy/muddy environment?