Shammara Blanchard

Yeah, have to disagree. The First Person view in video games is too unrealistic. The FOV is messed up, no peripheral vision, hands and guns in the wrong places. They have yet to actually do the First person view correctly to be honest.

You know, I had a choice. I was sitting at Gamestop deciding between Mad Max and MGS V. I really had a touch decision. I got MGS V only to find out the game is incomplete in many ways. Great game but it amazes me how these review sites gave a 10/10 to an incomplete game that is reported to be missing a WHOLE THIRD

If you were there serving, my hat off to you.

I own MGS V and Mad Max. I like Mad Max more I must say.

I have been thinking the same thing. I love the game but I find that if it was a tighter experience, it would be even better of a game.

I like it more than MGS V personally.

IT gets better as the car gets better, of course with a game that has an upgradable car.

They did kill off too many good characters. Sylar was usually the cause for that….

See, I liked the first season. But I see your point for sure.

It was a horrible TV season, agreed.

I think a lot of people forget the Writers' Strike that happened. The second season was written by people who had no clue what they were doing.