Yikes, I’d go with the rifle. You know that swan is gonna fight dirty.
Yikes, I’d go with the rifle. You know that swan is gonna fight dirty.
Yeah, if it was anyone else I’d blame Logano, but Denny Hamlin is just The Worst. (With the possible exception of Kyle Busch, who is... worster.)
No, in the movie they don’t exist at all. It’s a whole mysterious thing.
Whoa. Let’s leave the glorious majesty that is “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” out of this, please.
I loved that book. It had great characters! And... themes.
I’ll jam my winter coat into the bin, on top of my carry on. It doesn’t prevent anyone else from putting their stuff in the bin, so I don’t know why that’s such a no-no.
Trudeau has his good points - he’s progressive, he’s humane, he’s easy on the eyes. I think at heart he’s a good person.
Winning is keeping Andrew Scheer out of the PM’s office, because Andrew Scheer is a terrible human being.
Time to let it go, Billy
More like an old-time radio serial.
Whut? I can’t decide if you’ve never lived in a big town, or you’ve never lived in a big city.
I would have had sex with Ross. Sure, why not? University degree, very white teeth, leather pants. Sign me up!
I would dispute a number of things they said. Starting with...
Sorry you got hosed in the divorce, buddy.
Yes, they are everywhere. Which is kind of the point.
*rolls eyes, goes back to watching Derry Girls* (season 2 on Netflix now!)
My opinion is based on wildly unscientific thinking; I don’t think most Americans want socialism. I think socialism is awesome, and I’m not even sure EW counts as a true socialist, but a lot of people think she is, and socialism is a scary word for a lot of people - people who you need to vote out Trump. Prove me…
I run in liberal circles and I honestly don’t remember people thinking that she sucked. I remember some people liking Bernie more. I remember everyone was pretty fucking sick of the DNC (Debbie Wassername was a much bigger villain in the 2016 election than the Bernie Bros).
There are absolutely on-the-fence Trump voters. MAGA nuts aside, most people will vote for what they perceive to be in their best interest, and if the Dems can fix their shit and cough up a candidate who can sell themselves across the board, they’ll win.
Clinton lost because she (like everyone else in 2016) failed to take Trump seriously, and she failed to campaign effectively in vast swaths of middle america, which Trump was able to capitalize on.