
Making a grand speech might have gotten her cut off, and that’s about all it would have accomplished. I think there’s more value in 30 minutes of music that makes everyone happy, and if that music includes a gay anthem or two, so much the better.

Yeah, because Jack Nicholson has displayed so much range...


Any thoughts on brining? I have never tried it, and the internet has too many conflicting opinions for me to handle. For example, do you recommend dry or wet brining?

Sadly, I don’t think it would have made a difference (although I agree she should have come forward). Two reasons:

It was originally spelled correctly, but syphilis took offence at being compared to Trump, and threatened to sue.

Is there an election this year?

I was just going to respond with the period thing! I remember very little about the show, except that the girls couldn’t go swimming due to their MONTLHY FLOW. Also, the Dad turned into a dick. Ah, memories.

Do you have a fetching Irish accent and/or a Dark Secret? If not, you’re probably not getting a book :( 

No doubt some aspects of Room would never happen. I also work in the court system, often with abused/neglected children, but the issues you raise didn’t really bother me. As a lawyer I’m pretty used to books/movies/tv getting pretty much every aspect of my profession wrong, so I don’t get my feathers ruffled over

I’ll cop to beingwhite, privileged, kinda classist, occasionally confused by Megyn Kelly, and even a dullard, but Lena Dunham-esque? ouch.

Bonus points if the Nalgene is filled with kombucha.

After eight years of Uncle Joe playing with his model trains all night, I’m sure the neighbors are used to noise.

Hey now, leave me and my fellow spinster aunts out of this. Even the most judgmental among us don’t deserve that comparison.

If it helps, you can carry on certain types of razors - I’ve brought safety razors on flights in Canada, the US and Europe with no problems.

People can be seriously injured by burning pantyhose. I find your username to be inappropriate.

Beef curtain! If there’s anything positive that has come out of this, it’s that I’ve added a new term to my dictionary of vag euphemisms. (Current favorite - bearded clam).

I would argue that unless you’re Hilary Duff circa 2007, ear-cuffs certainly ought to be embarrassing in and of themselves. However, we’re talking about a woman whose father is Donald Trump, and yet she not only gets out of bed every morning, but goes out - in public! Often on television! - to CELEBRATE her father, Don