Can’t share this enough:
Can’t share this enough:
Absolute rubbish.
Rose McGowan is a hypocriticial piece of shit - she STILL will not condemn her friend and convicted pedophile Viktor Salva, who directed her in 2010.I do not expect people to click onto links, but for the love of god please educate yourself and do some googling on this. No one who protects a convicted child fucker…
Victor Salva. Here’s what she said:
With this story, I don’t feel sorry for her. She got herself entangled with him when she cheated with him knowing full well he was married. The guy who was willing to cheat on his wife and kids with his leading actress is a manipulative schmuck? All my stars and garters. Color me shocked. SHOCKED I SAY!
I guess that’s why she chose to work with a convicted child rapist in 2011 without any problems. I guess he wasn’t manipulating her like Rodriguez reportedly did, since he prefers the company of little boys.
Because people like and/or sincerely believe their own flawed perspective about things all the time.
Victor Salva.
He didn’t “make her” do anything. Actresses have the ability to pick and choose the roles they play.
I believe MacGowan was raped and has been victimized.
Vanity Fair should have fact checked/got Rodriguez side of events. Also, checked when the Weinstein’s started funding the film. You need both sides of the story and the facts.
Its horrible how she was forced at gunpoint to play that role.
The evil inside is so great it starts manifesting externally, physically. It’s why all those GOP whites look like ghouls and golems living off borrowed time.
Filed to: INCEST
I don’t trust a single white, they are barbaric savages and easily prone to violence.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
I understand. It’s just hard to really trust anybody on this god forsaken site.
Red, I respect the hell out of you, but I trust my hunches. You seem to be (involuntarily) involved in all of this, as the troll is really fucking obsessed with you. I traced him all the way back to some Weezy Baby account, FoolishPride, ShamefulPride, Zythum. Not sure why you’re sticking up for him, judging by his…
I had to Google this. That’s so horrible. She even said, “I still don’t really understand the whole story or history there, and I’d rather not, because it’s not really my business.”
Does she think this Salva guy isn’t harming children after prison whether directly or as an accessory (eg child porn)? What would be the…