
So if someone comes out on Facebook to their friends is it Facebook that’s doing the outing? No. It’s the person announcing it, not the medium it’s broadcast on (social media, television media or print media).

Yes, CNN is fake because they report facts. You’ve enlightened me now

I hate people that resort to being dicks. I just like to respond civilly and tell them to lighten up and stop being a prick

Leave out the “go out and play now.” He or she is just being a troll. It feeds them

It did fall through. NO one believes she actually went anywhere. Other than the two characters who said it was interesting that there were 18 hours of static (or however long) recorded.


Yeah, ok

You summed up exactly how I feel. I’m defeated that people are so blinded by ideology that they’ll overlook their own morality. Or maybe everyone who supports him is actually just immoral but they claim not to be

Had to go back and check the photo but DAMN you’ve got some eagle eyes!

Apples. Bowling ball. They’re both sort of round. They must be the same thing

I thought this was genius at first but then thought that it doesn’t really do anything for you if you don’t like opening your eyes underwater. If the water is murky this doesn’t help you one bit. It’s the same as just looking into the water from above the water’s surface. It doesn’t clear up the murky water in front

Yeah, this is definitely something that should aggravate you, using descriptive words to lighten the tone of the article

This is great

Nice attempt at trolling. So how about KD, and Steph, and Klay, and Green? They all needed another top quality player or two to win their titles as well. Stop making asinine statements.

Basic economics also states that if product “A” outsells product “B,” but product “A” is sold for less, then product “B” may still be more valuable. Yes, I get what you’re trying to say but the value they’re giving Steph in those estimated projections is based upon his playing production and wins. I agree with Triple

And the iPhone for his kids and wife too! Bet his phone is paid for by his office though

And then no one else takes up the line of questioning. Pussies, almost all of them

As someone who has refereed for a long time (almost 20 years, since I was in college) I can tell you the only reason I would quit is the way fans treat refs. I learned early on to not listen to fans because they’re ignorant of the rules and nuances of the games for the most part. But that’s a difficult trait to

There it is! Maybe that should be the cutoff. If your first phone while in college was a smartphone (does a blackberry count or are we talking about iPhone era) you’re a millennial. Your point of college being way different if you’d had a smartphone is a great one! I had Facebook in college but I was also at the tail

Have you never left your house before? Do you ever drive or ride by public courts? I play all the time and I certainly don’t get paid to play, nor does anyone else I play with.