
Does it make me a bad person if I know not to laugh at this, and yet still do so? Naaaaah

He is now on the team’s concussion protocol. Out indefinitely.

But the if matters. If no one voted then no one gets elected. If my one vote doesn’t matter, then no vote matters. Nothing would ever get passed, ever. So, yeah, my vote matters.

So if no one voted how would anyone get elected? That’s exactly what your logic works out to.

So why does anyone vote? If my vote doesn’t matter then why does anyone else’s? Explain...

How does one person not voting not matter but a million people not voting does matter? It’s the collection of a bunch of people who don’t matter that makes them matter? That’s retarded thinking. Every single vote matters!

You. Yes, you. may truly not understand. They probably voted for Trump

They’re just trying to argue for arguments sake. No half educated person could honestly believe you meant their first amendment rights should be taken away. But, then again, supposedly fully educated people across the country voted for Trump yesterday.

Yes, because that’s what happened. Only 1 eligible voter in the US didn’t vote yesterday and Trump one by one vote. Don’t be stupid. It’s the collection of people who were so dumb-fuck lazy or stupid that could have actually swung the election in another direction. But you knew that’s what was meant because you seem

HE’S WHITE!!! Elephant in room, BE GONE! Carry on

Ok. I thought I was misinterpreting this article. Thanks for pointing out the dumb-fuckery of some of the logic of the article.

I didn't realize that. Thank you for the correction

I didn’t realize that. Thank you for the correction

I see what you’re saying. But then I present to you that this is the same league that just last season had a team win the Championship with a rotting corpse at QB.

I don't know why you can't wrap your head around that. It was Trent Dilfer. That's not at all surprising. Now, if they'd had Drew Brees or someone of that caliber, yes, I can understand your confusion

It wasn't definitive to you that he fumbled on accident? Please show a link to the replay that made you think it may have been intentional

This is my favorite thing I've ever read on this here site

How is their response ballistic?