
“At the beginning of “Mother!”—no relation to the Darren Aronofsky film as far as I know.”

Pam’s threat to cook the parrot until it was “Golden brown and goddamn delicious” was a callback to Lucky Yates’ previous gig on Good Eats where “golden brown and delicious” was a frequent catchphrase.

... up until today, I thought it was a song about barber ants.

Everyone on Billions is a cinephile!

The camera was pointed at Rachel, not her dad.

Them almost hitting a boar on the way to Helen was an obvious allusion to Get Out. The episode was clearly inspired by the movie.

The credits indicate the first story was written by Penn Jillette and it’s exactly the type of gonzo, over the top story that he’s prone to thinking is way more engaging than it actually is.

“Their president is a Benetton model who bangs his mom-wife.”

The old covered all of it though. If each place had completely separate content, that would also make sense but there’s like an 80% overlap between all 3 places and so there’s a lot of pointless scrolling and re-reading just to find stuff you want.


There’s 3 separate places where TV content is posted these days:

They’re just trying to make incest porn have more mainstream appeal.

That little confused fist raise at the end was amazing!

American Vandal is excellent and worth checking out!

But Mike came back and was only exposed to immune people and he still got sick.

Wait, so is the virus still being carried by people who are immune or does it just exist ambient in the environment on the continental US or what? Mike came back from space and then a few months later developed the virus. Isn’t the same thing going to happen to Glenn?

FWIW, I stopped the series 3 episodes in to search on the internet for writing about American Vandal because I wanted to see other people’s speculation given the limited amount of information laid out so far before moving forward.

your a “Monster”;

Crap, I’ve been calling him Crandall!

Post Kinja The AV Club: one of those longstanding American traditions that people want to keep around without any regard for its relevance or meaning, simply because it’s a “tradition.”

It’s been 2 days and still no review of the series premiere. I’m wondering if they just silently decided to stop covering it.