
Did anyone else get strong vibes that Robin was on the spectrum? I started getting a hunch that was the case based on his reaction to Sam wanting to book separate rooms and I was sure that was going to be the big reveal at the end of the episode. I wonder if it’s going to come up at a later point?

Bangbus films in Florida, not the San Fernando Valley. An unusual oversight for a show that has traditionally been sticklers for accuracy in its pornography references.

Wait, what the hell happened to that pot brownie? It was introduced, brought up again and then played zero role in helping them escape. Why put so much emphasis on it only to drop the plot line entirely? Bad edit or sloppy storytelling?

Check out the Australian Please Like Me!

My favorite is how the “Show more replies” and “hide all the replies and move back to the very top of the comment thread” buttons look exactly the same. I like to expand out all the replies first before starting to read so I don’t have to wait for a server load but doing it in Kinja now requires me to carefully

The pointed critique was not over men hating women carrying guns, since men at least in the abstract were supportive of the Courtney Portnoy movie with bad ass women gunning down shit. It was that a certain class of straight white man feels irrationally threatened when they’re forced to experience the same kind of

The answer is: don’t think about it.

I feel like you missed the reference.

Has anyone tried to lobotomize a horse before though? Maybe horse anatomy doesn’t allow for the old icepick to the brain so they had to cut instead.

> Even though I haven’t read much of him, this episode is taking a Faulkner-ian view of how grief


TBF, that description also applies to Terry Crews.

Why is there:

Remember how during the last redesign, notification were coming “soon”?

It’s interesting because I’ve always regarded the Boston episode as one of my favorites from the first season.

This review helped me see better the difference between how the AVClub looked at the show compared to me. The AVClub was looking for some innovation in form that would break new grounds in storytelling and was failing the show for not accomplishing that.

I got a AV Club notification system for <i>this</i>?

I see Netflix's brief flirtation with cancelling things is now over.

*gasp*, CEG is triple platinum, are you triple platinum, The Caffeine Spider???

I think if this were the case, they wouldn't be able to resist inserting a poorly stereotypical Asian character because, WTF GOTG2?