
So would you say the neo-nazis who adore American History X or the frat bros who started Fight Clubs after watching Fight Club have just as equally a valid way of appreciating those films?

Whenever The AV Club isn't writing about The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show episode, everybody should be asking "Where's the article about The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show episode?"

If I'm not mistaken, this is one of the few movies that does not pass the reverse Bechdel test. Mandy Moore's new husband (who is unnamed) has a conversation with Boone but the entire conversation is about Mandy Moore. An unnamed guy approaches David on the street and asks if he's OK but the conversation centers on


And does anyone slap another person's child?

I think that was Dean Pelton.

The entire IVF sequence reminds me of the much better sequence on Playing House (which is being criminally under reviewed, especially on the AV Club) which goes through the nitty gritty process of a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. I love deep dives into procedures that TV usually loves to skim the surface of.

And Stephen Tobolowsky!

Just one of those normal, ask a grown women for a lock of hair type kids!

Maybe you've just never had that kind of relationship but among my circle of friends, it's quite common to show affection by embarrassing the shit out of the person and riding the line of social awkwardness. If you go too far, you're an asshole but there's a certain art to keeping it just on the line of acceptableness.

Except when you date a beautiful woman on screen, you're not actually dating her but when you eat delicious food on screen, you're actually eating delicious food.

Different people can have different reactions to a piece of artistic content? Heresy!

Richard's child will be like Richard except at least 10% less black which I guess means he's destined to be president one day if Jonah's uncle is to be believed.

That strikes me as about the right ratio. Being a minority isn't all about being loudly different all the time. Most of the time, you're just doing regular ass shit like a regular ass person except with a minority perspective overlayed on top. It's only during specific rituals or traditions that you're really reminded

Oh cool, a new season of Master of None is on… aaand it's binged.

A tiny green space alien named Ozmodiar that only Homer Phil can see!

This entire show is just a backdoor pilot to that kid who stole the DVDs in Omaha and his choice of whether to get a lawyer or not. There will be an entire episode that's just of the police car ride from the mall to the booking station.

They're great examples of Asian bros but they're fundamentally good people. Unlike Ed Chen who is just a douche.

97 would have been the exact right time for him to be thinking about those things. There was a lot of debate and worry in those times between the pragmatists who wanted centralized, easy to administer systems to form the governance backbone of the Internet and idealists who wanted to maximally disperse and democratize

Lara was acting particularly dumb this episode. Not only should it have been obvious that $10,000 is clearly not enough to bribe the attorney who's working for your husband, her transfer of money to her sister without declaring it as a gift on her taxes opens up the IRS to lean on her and threaten prosecution in