
Patents aren't copyright, they don't get renewed at their end of term.

I have to say, it's refreshing to see an Asian dudebro on television. The last 2 years have been really a lot better for Asian representation on television (let's not talk about film though) with a wider diversity of roles being written. I've always felt that "banal evil" is a watermark in representation though. It's

No, the company failed because they ran into a research dead end. The idea of language specific processors that would execute high level code was a promising concept but ultimately didn't result in any performance gains over simpler instruction set machines and sufficiently smart compilers.

Also, in no universe would that ever have been a personal patent owned by Gavin Belson. It would have been IP assigned to Hooli and would have remained at Hooli with Gavin's ouster.

Ahem. "So called president".

Now that we're 80 some odd days into the Trump presidency, I'm just patiently waiting for Carl Jr's to change their slogan to "Fuck you, I'm eating" so I can go eat there with a clear conscience.

Yes, all that gross boring stuff like breastfeeding should be relegated to only Mom TV so only Moms watch it without the rest of us being grossed out and bored by it.

While Lana is intimidatingly cool, she doesn't understand how odds work. An odds of 1 to 1 is 50%, not 100%.

Who's cutting all the lawns?

Also, there's no way Axe Capital wouldn't have already modeled out the austerity option before they even bought the bond. Even if you're sure the casino is coming in, you always need to model your downside in the worst case.

Are you positing this is some kind of a Jacob's Ladder scenario?

All Rory Calhouning it up!

Claire was distractingly mean in the boyfriend scene. It takes a straight up sociopath to continue talking about how much you think a person doesn't deserve basic human respect just because you think they're ugly. That was some straight up HS queen bee bitch diva.

Umm, because he was implying the only reason she wasn't in sexual danger was because of her appearance rather than, y'know, him being a human fucking person?

The Mick seems fine abandoning character in service to plot which makes it feel like a completely different show every single week. I've never really gotten the sense that Sabrina was particularly mean or that Mickey was affected by any of her insults until this week and the plot didn't feel especially earned.

"his feelings aren’t assuaged by Melissa’s strange behavior the morning before they return home. She casually dresses in her old real estate blazer, pours not assuaged by Melissa casually dressing in her red real estate blazer, pours dog food for a dog that no longer exists"

My pet theory is that it would be totally implausible for a Korean of his age to have zero English comprehension and his ability to understand and speak English seems to fluctuate wildly between scenes but the reason is that he's secretly totally proficient in English but uses Randall Park as a go between so he


Mickey's problems are the type that are obvious and on the surface and everyone can generally agree that they're problems. Gus' problems are the type that are insidious and passive aggressive and often, unless you've been personally exposed to people like that, you don't even realize that a lot of the stuff he does is