
You make a valid point but Claudia O’Doherty is still a goddamn treasure.

Anger Management was a part of FX's aborted experiment in 10/90 greenlighting. The idea was that they would fund 10 episodes initially and then, if ratings were above a certain level, immediately fund the next 90 to get a 100 episode package for syndication.

Is the AV Club not reviewing the new season?

The AV Club

And Claudia Doherty's much too good for this show.

Now you know the rage of a computer professional growing up during the 90s.

In this episode, the chefs got to touch and smell the food. Most of the time, they open their mouth and someone else spoons it in. You'd be surprised just how much less smell you get from a food inside your mouth than through your nose.

I mean, when it comes down to needs a flake of salt/was cut too big/served Cool Hwip to Tom Colicchio, I feel like the decision is pretty obvious.


Muggle was simply a reference to Josh having never read Harry Potter and not sharing that kind of private experience with Rebecca.

Whenever Heather's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Heather?"

One thing I did like about that joke was that it hung a lampshade over just how incredibly unprofessional people in romantic comedies act with zero consequence. That he actually gets fired for acting out the standard romantic comedy trope was pretty funny. I hope he gets brought back only to be fired in new and

Keep in mind the writers have said they took a lot of inspiration from Breaking Bad and their four season plan does not have Rebecca ending up in a good place at the end of it. While there is a lot of opportunity for growth and personal development to lead Rebecca into a place where she can form healthy relationships

Heather is Chaotic Neutral.

> he's a fucking clown, it's not exactly supposed to be high art (Sorry, clowns).

This was the best episode for reaction facial expressions. Not only the dishwashers or two separate occasions, but also Tom's reaction at Judge's table at Katsuji spewing obvious bullshit.

This may be revealing a little too much about my watching habits but… is that the house from The Sex Factor?

I didn't get a Community notification for this?

Four The AV Club Best of TV 2016 lists!

"always seeing straight through the bullshit, only occasionally getting annoyed by it, and never once making an effort to put a stop to it." is a pretty accurate summary of Paul Ryan's last 12 months.