
From what I gather from Louie now publicly talking about how it was made, they decided to do entire scenes completely through several times and then cut them together to make the best ones. If you do it this way, you're going to have some flubbed lines and continuity errors but hopefully, also better, more lived in

In one episode, Elizabeth had interactions with EST, Mary Kay and Alcoholics Anonymous. She got the grand tour of the uniquely American approach to dealing with the world.

"A PBJ&C is basically just a cheese plate you can put in a baggie and take with you."

Didn't they hint at some point that Jared had a Harry Potter childhood?

But you see, because these are the assholes that other assholes shit on when they were younger, that makes it ok for them to be assholes now.

The clear majority of people support background checks (… and yet it's failed to get through congress. That's not how a democracy is supposed to operate.

Just to point out the most obvious reference, clowns invading a fancy cocktail party and a couple using a safe room to escape is a direct homage to The Dark Knight.

Mac and Frank are conservatives but Dennis and Dee are definitely liberal. Nobody is really quite sure what Charlie is.

I regard it as a badge of honor for Lena that people who are so virulently against her are still here commenting on the season 4 finale episode. She must be doing something right if she can hook people who hate her so much into still watching her show.

"an accurate nod to the original fairy tae"
"Titus and Miket are te absolute best"

Who picks Jews over champagne?

"I was weary of Olivia in her first appearance but let it go because I figured she was more of a symbol of temptation than an actual character."

Marnie is 25 1/2 this season and Hannah is one year older than her. I think Marnie was 23 and Hannah was 24 in the first season so less than 2 years has passed.

Just wait for the "Todd gets threatened that the women might be more interested in the new man" plot, that will be a doozy!

Can we at least give props though to the set designer who pulled off that amazing backdrop? Every time I was getting annoyed at the dialogue, I just soothed myself by paying attention to the set, lighting and sound design.

Adam was ice cold delivering that line.

I enjoyed it too and the too-cool-for-school attitude here is getting wearying. On top of the first person gimmick, it actually had a lot of great stuntwork and choreography that made it genuinely a fun time. It's basically a sequel to Crank, except set in Russia. If that's not to your tastes, then so be it but for

But Columbia is on 116th St…

ANU isn't even the Harvard of Australia, it barely qualifies as the Harvard of the ACT.