
I spent the entire song wondering who Diane Stars was and why she was so famous for being dense. Wasn't until I looked the lyrics up online that I realized it was "Dyin Stars".

What's funny is that most of that Instagram clip was a cutaway during the show which means none of the dancing would have made it onto the screen. Seems like they just kept filming to have Rachel do more boob dancing.

Yeah, ever since they Chekov gunned that in the pilot, I've been waiting for the barbershop quartet number.

While I think we can all agree that Marnie *is* The Worst, *watching* Marnie has been The Best, especially everything she's done this season. Her pronunciation of Ecuador in episode 3 made me all sorts of happy inside.

I know TV economics don't have to make sense but how much realistically would Dre and Bow be making at their jobs and what how much would it cost to support their lifestyle? It's hard pinning down exactly where on the class spectrum they're meant to be.

Her Mandarin was terrible and incomprehensible. The tones were all over the map, which is typical of someone who is trying Mandarin for the first time and is unable to hear tones.

Hah! You think lawyers have real emotions.

The widow Moretti has no idea who Stamper is, despite him using his real name in the donation form and his identity being just a pollyhop away. Was she really so incurious about the man that she did no research on him ahead of time?

Weird, I mainly make foreign food and culture references because the world doesn't end at the United States border and occasionally, the other 6.8 billion people occasionally do something noteworthy that prompts a mention.

I was really confused by the orgasm. I may be mistaken but I don't think I've ever seen any woman naturally orgasm like that, is that a thing that actually happens?

I've known people like Fran, where their bland good looks and nothing of a personality get superficially labelled as niceness for lack of any other label to attach to them. Hannah spends hours of her day with Fran and gets to see her private dickish moments but I can see how she feels gaslighted by her friends who

I felt like the theme of this episode was on how other people's incidental judgements can radically alter our decisions for not very good reasons. Loreen, for example, obviously hasn't thought very carefully about staying with Tad. She was all set to leave him until a bunch of catty women at dinner made an off-handed

Worth it to hear Marnie pronounce Uranus.

Exactly. This episode wasn't about transgenderism at all, it was about cisgendered people's perceptions and reactions to transgenderism which is a lived experience that Louis CK has had.

The A.V. Club

I love this season's constant digs at the electric car. That poor car can't get no respect.

Love how both Ray and Elijah were so nonchalant about photographing their friend completely nude and that Ray's is now apparently so empty due to Helvetica across the road that they can have a full on X-rated photo session within view of the front door with only a flimsy curtain in between.

The ending showed that Shosh had decided to stay in Japan so it looks like your wish was granted.