
>932,000 miles (1.5 kilometers)

What ever possesses you (meaning the editorial team) to never, ever spelling an Italian name right? That’s Cristoforetti, with an “O”. It’s even easier than “Pinocchio and Geppetto”, that you usually butcher as “Pinnochio and Gepetto”!
Seriously, how would you feel if you were spoken about as “Gizzmudo” or “Peasant

I understand this could be mind-blowing to a US person... but Sicily is not a nation. It is a region of Italy and an island to boot, so “Island in western Sicily” is more or less like saying “A big crack in the ground in southern Grand Canyon”.

The hilarious part is that none of these characters ever even considers investing any of their time and money to build their own platform.

Let me reminisce a bit.

OR they could have just used the accented keyboard that is used throughout Europe and most countries where accented languages are used.

It was the early 1990s. I was scheduled to interview Robert Englund hours before his guest appearance at a horror movie festival in Milano, Italy, and he was rather desperate because customs had held his Freddy glove. Luckily, I was geeky enough to have brought with me my old Nightmare on Elm Street toy glove, hoping

Point 14 of the policy reads: “We restrict the display of nudity or sexual activity because some people in our community may be sensitive to this type of content.” Unfortunately, I am sensitive to religious and rightwing political content. Now what? #IAmSensitive


I am not sure I understood the point of your article. In what way is it surprising that [US moviegoers] < [Moviegoers from THE WHOLE FUCKING PLANET - US moviegoers]?