shakin steak

Actually do you remember the name of that book? I'd like to have a look check it out read it.

People were more ambitious when the barrier to entry was higher. In 1965 you started a TV station or got on ham radio. In 1990, you made a zine. In 2015, you make a new tumblr.

Is NYC the only market where Fox was in VHF range? I grew up with it on channel 5.
Living about 40 miles west of Manhattan, we didn't get any UHF stations even though we had the roof antenna. Well, there was one in the 60s and it barely came through. When I moved away it was so weird having channels above 13

Wow Noel. You really threw this trope under the bus.

:shrug: I agree it's a stupid place to settle. Although if the water supply holds out it might be a good climate for growing tomahtoes (etc). I'm just analyzing the character's decisions. Talk to Bobrow about how dumb and stupid and uncomfortable they are.

Ah, yes…He began in Tuscon, explored the country, and left his mark indicating where he could hence be found. I would have probably decided on a destination and criss-crossed towards that, but it is safer to plan to return to a known situation.

I appreciate the recaps. I don't always remember everything that happens, and it gives context to the critique.

I also questioned this. There was one very small bit (so small I can't even remember what it was) that gave me the idea it's where he grew up, or where he was before the epidemic. For most of us that's probably not a reason to stay somewhere, but I think a lot of people are afflicted with inertial tendencies.

A+ with a puffy sticker

doesn't matter what you do as long as you're pressing A

I understand the concept. I just disagree with it. The threshold of
trademark-ability should be more stringent than mushing a few common words
together. What do you think about that lady who tried to trademark "I can't breathe" so she could sell shirts with that phrase? That might be in poorer taste than "this sick

"Have you read any of the comments on here or anywhere else about her?"
I guess I haven't. I was thinking of the article itself but as far as comments go…well, unlike some other people apparently, I don't usually read posts about musicians whose work I don't care about.

i dont'; think anybody's angry at taylor swift for making popular music. You don't see anything wrong with formally claiming rights to a simple phrase and staking out the ability to sue other people for using that phrase? 'cause that's what this guy's beef is.

There aren't any spoilers. They literally say nothing about Breaking Bad except that he was in it, and to describe the concept of Better Call Saul in the barest possible way.

How old do you have to be to be scared by this? I probably saw it around 11(?) I remember thinking it was really good, especially for something about unicorns which I had previously experienced only in entertainment "for girls".

A grown man willing to put on leather pants and pretend to enjoy ’90s industrial music? Hey Hollywood, I'm right here! Let's make this bad movie already!

It was the last one I enjoyed. HW and GAotG each got one or two listens from me and they didn't stick. After that I gave up.

"[Punk is] the only genre where you can really hear a punk band taking [this approach, that approach, another approach]" no shit

NOFX?? No talent, that's the name of that band!