Shake Your Boudin

Welcome to White Castle

I have a KFC/A&W combo nearby, I order cheese curds and french fries from the A&W menu and a side of gravy from the KFC menu and make east food poutaine

A grilled cheese in a pan proper. It’s a really low-risk activity (you fuck up? Try again!) but it teaches you a lot of things: how to drop butter in a hot pan, how to set up stations, how to cook things even on both sides and all the way through.

Football in the South in particular has long had only a partial veneer at best over the days when black Americans toiled for their white masters. While most of them would never admit it in public, that dynamic remains a big part of the sport’s draw for many.

The Major sport that’s hardest on your body, is far and away the worst for your brain (and long term risks), but pays far and away the least and guarantees nothing in contracts (and has a history of fucking over it’s retirees) is having a problem with players walking away from the game.

I hope that NFL players take note of the lack of empathy people have shown Andrew Luck during this entire process. Don’t feel guilty about hold-outs for more money. Get as much money as you can and get the hell out before it becomes a detriment to your health. 

Those two guys in the car saw her run away twice, what, the, fuck 

Cleaves’ Grandmother: “That’s my Mateen, always running around buck naked dragging women back to his room!”

I hate it when I have to chase those obnoxious, belligerent, remorseful drunks down in the parking lot and drag them kicking and screaming back to my bed.

To be fair, he wasn’t holding 2 forms of ID while on camera assaulting her.

Drive Thru: Regular or spicy?

If you do the drive-thru, it’s 40 just to get to the window.

Sandwich?! I’m over here still waiting in line for my emotional support chicken! (You can’t even get these on eBay anymore...)

It’d actually be interesting to see which character has been killed the most in popular literature. I bet I’ve seen goddam Jor-El and Lara blow up 100 times...and the Waynes get mowed down at least half that.

I like to think that Uncle Ben and Thomas and Martha Wayne are all hugged up in a therapy group somewhere together.

I think it’s just the having him as a one dimensional badass who immediately gets his comeuppance by a generic white guy with relative ease. The only reason we even see Bruce Lee is to make Cliff Booth look cool. Steve McQueen gets to make an appearance, but he doesn’t start drag racing anybody in a random dick

I’m not very invested in this argument but I’ve been a fan of Kareem’s writing for years. He’s a good, thoughtful writer who is a solid feminist and LGBT advocate who also has enough empathy and compassion to have sided with Rachel Dolezcal. His editorial on Lee mentions his deep admiration of Tarantino and love for

Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes!

This accident is what I’d call disaster by naïveté.  They took all these risks because they were so naive as to think that no one could really get hurt on a water slide. “I mean, it’s a slide.  There’s water.  That means safe!”  It has a lot in common with the Columbia disaster which resulted because a few engineers