Shake Your Boudin

“seven-hour wait times weren’t unusual”

First, he’s truly not doing shit. But 2nd, he’s telling PR to take our more loans and telling Wall St. to extend more onerous loan-shark worthy funding to an already over-leveraged, under-funded & ignored territory. Puerto Rico in a situation a lot like Argentina ... where the folks wrote loans they knew PR couldn’t

It also completely ignores that people can die from a natural disaster days, weeks, even months afterward. Especially when there’s no electricity. Life saving medical devices, such as oxygen concentrators, require power. Many medications require refrigeration. Food requires safe storage and cooking or else food borne

Though the same things. “fund raising” as in spending the money everyone else paid in taxes to fund the agencies that are supposed to help. And there is two problems. 1) that he take credit for fucking using the money everyone else paid in the first place, and 2) that he completely mismanaged the use of those funds

Not sure if this needs pointing out but:

I was confused by that as well.  Like he can literally just tell departments to spend money on things.  He doesn’t raise shit...

I need to stop doing this because it ultimately doesn’t matter but...

I can’t count the times I’ve thought “man I would be drinking right now if only people wouldn’t know.” Like I’m trying to count them, and I haven’t even gotten to one yet.

I mean, it’s Jimmy Fallon.  His idea of charity is probably giving, like, Kate Hudson a gilded cornhole set.  He’s pretty goddamn vapid and starfucking.

Any word on if the rich couple were spared of Fallon’s trademark fake giggle?

Even apart from the all but unquestionable loathsomeness of him personally, even if you liked his movies (which way back when I used to) you have to feel they started to run out of creative steam, like, long ago

Between you and the guy I have tied up in the basement I’m feeling rather judged.

Necco Wafers: Invented by the New England Confectionary Company in the 1800's in a Confederate plot to make Army life even worse for Union soldiers.

Orange slices are delicious. They may not be the magical combo of chocolate and peanut butter, but they are good.

You lost me when you enjoyed Bit-O-Honey. Maybe it’s a seasonal thing, because this is probably the first time anyone has ever eaten one before at least the first weekend in November when they’re out of good Halloween candy and starting to get desperate.

A local barbecue place serves them with Captain’s Wafers. The slight sweet-buttery flavor adds a special something to it. But yes, saltines are the acceptable vessel of nearly all good spreads.

6. Not everybody likes dogs and don’t want to sit next to them, especially in enclosed spaces.

There are people places and there are dog places. Please stop mixing the two up.

Fuck your dog.

Leave. Your fucking dog. At home.