Excuse me, Barry. I think you mean:
Excuse me, Barry. I think you mean:
I can explain it, if you’d like. See, dong is a synonym for home run.
Yes it is.
Hmm, lens designs by Hubble? If my prescription arrives slightly wrong will they send a team of astronauts to my house with some customized glasses to fix the problem?
Hmm, lens designs by Hubble? If my prescription arrives slightly wrong will they send a team of astronauts to my…
I had this very conversation today with my husband. He’s still a cheery person who thinks the best of everyone and every thing. While everyone says NK has always been like this, I believe the NK leader has been baited by the current US admin to escalate. Trump fed that fucking troll by TWEETING at him and now it’s…
You know, after claiming to have been “hacked by the Russians.” just to drive home the point. lol
I can’t for the life of me understand why Jack Dorsey hasn’t had the guts to pull the plug on the presidential Twitter account if for nothing else having used it to bully people, which is explicitly against their terms of service. They’ve banned far less bullying accounts.
I feel like, at this point, Twitter should shut itself down out of public necessity or some shit.
In history classes far into the future, the question: what was the tipping point that started WWIII? will be easily answered on final exams, much unlike the convoluted response for say, WWI, it will be a simple, one word answer: Twitter.
What a true credit to humanity. With your progressive views and lady killer attitude, we might as well call you Rico Suave.
But a dad should not be bullying and making fun of his daughters. Especially not on the internet.
Yeah I thought the 23 year old (was she wearing a prom dress in that pic?) was sexy euro nerd guys girl he was settling for
Oh god. Conference calls are the art in wasting time without even leaving your office. Two jobs ago, I had a weekly conference call which I had to be on ‘just in case’.Another coworker of mine also was on that call and she’d come hang out in my office so that we could play a boardgame during the call since the calls…
informed industry colleagues of the pending closure of the 18-year-old agency
Steve Stone and a malfunctioning toaster would be one of the better broadcasting teams in baseball.
I’ve told this story on here before, but...
Everyone’s a responsible gun owner until they’re not.
Baylor: 52 women allege being assaulted by football players? “We need to proceed with caution. In fact, let’s just pretend nothing happened. Remember, we have no obligation to make our campus safe for the students who pay to be here.”
What kind of heinous shit would a decent college football team have to do, for this to happen on the same scale?