Shake Your Boudin

Car fuel can melt steel beams!

Agreed. It’s decent enough to drink straight, but I don’t feel bad mixing it either.

Manhattans, you say? Where do you live and what time should I be there?

Underrated Bourbon. My go-to for making manhattans at home

I’ve had my share of car accidents involving Wild Turkey, too.

Right, because every voter north of the Mason Dixon line voted blue, is not racist, sexist and/or homophobic.

This stuff isn’t a Southern thing. It’s a conservative thing. There’s a helluva lot of non-far-right people in the South. There are a lot of bigoted far-right shitheels in the North and Midwest. Your comment is just illustrating your own prejudices and that’s not something you should broadcast.

“I mean, you wouldn’t be buying it to send a kid off to college in”

Let’s Remember Some Guys: White Sox Back of the Rotation Edition

Then a kitty litter delivery truck crashed into the conflagration and all was well in the world.

No pedestrians. Wrong perp.

Couldn’t have been a Mustang as all the cars were still technically in one piece and on all four tires.

Ferrari must have drove past.


Oooo, a headline declaration! Ballsy move Mr. Tracy.

*fingers crossed*

I once built an insurmountable project that was a complete rust bucket, when I finally drove it the very first thing I did was a burnout. The clutch exploded less than a week later. Worth it.

Oh sure, go with the obvious stuff. ;)

Also they are driving on the left.

With these leaks coming out, escalating craziness from the White House, and Trump’s depressed toddler tantrums getting more frequent/intense, I truly believe in a month he’s just going to resort to tweeting “I admit the deed! Tear up the planks! Here, here! It is the beating of his hideous heart!”