There’s also an older sister who right after the shooting took to GoFundMe begging people to pay for her wedding and honeymoon expenses because she claimed the media attention forced her to cancel her wedding.
There’s also an older sister who right after the shooting took to GoFundMe begging people to pay for her wedding and honeymoon expenses because she claimed the media attention forced her to cancel her wedding.
It also speaks to the fact that this is a family of terrorists.
I read that as rehomed and thought hm yeah I guess that applies here
it definitely sets a president.
The fact that these russia loving, humanity hating, classless, cultureless, chinless, dickless, spineless, Garland Merrick blocking, scheming, semi-sentient, greedy blobs of shit with horrible HORRIBLE fitting skin suits have the gall to call anyone else in the entirety of Democracy obstructionist fills me with so…
She is almost 40...
I work for a state institution, so my pay and everyone else’s here is public knowledge. We’re hitting a budget crunch (thanks moronic GOP policies!) and people are worried about lay-offs. My salary is peanuts, but if you consolidated some management roles, you could eliminate 3-4 executive positions with some middle…
The company I worked for during the 2009 crisis had to cut everyone’s pay, but they made a huge deal about the C-level and upper management getting their 10% haircut first. Then everyone else got whacked a month later.
My wife just got told that everybody in her company either has to take a certain percentage of a pay cut this year, or take a week unpaid off. I asked her if the CEO was taking a pay cut. First she treated my question as asinine, and then said she’d have to check, but there wasn’t anything in the message he’d sent…
As a Gen-Y millennial (an “older”, early 30s millennial), I can attest that it is still a thing. I notice that many of my contemporaries, like me, are open to dating non-black men, but that doesn’t lessen the effects of misogynoir. Black men are still preferred, because you can’t beat that cultural connection, but…
I’m giving you a star, but I’m not happy about it.
Where are the rest of your stars? I nearly spit out my drink.
Take your damn star.
Okay, fine, I’ll take one for the team:
Hm, she’s had her face tweaked recently.
just happen to have this window open from another discussion, so while you are handy would you mind telling me
He says “females.”
We should absolutely forever hold against him something he said four years ago. People never change their minds about things when they age.