I don’t recall the last time I saw a photo completely sum up a person in their entirety so perfectly. Every detail down to the big boy writing on his vest is perfect.
I don’t recall the last time I saw a photo completely sum up a person in their entirety so perfectly. Every detail down to the big boy writing on his vest is perfect.
Are you responding to a different comment? I’ve heard this saying quite a bit in my life, and didn’t even think Nelly was a traditionally jewish name.
I am lost with this response.
ALL TV shows about law, medicine, politics*, police work, life in your 20s, etc. definitely give viewers wrong ideas about what the field is like in reality.
We are IRL being trolled. How is this apathy so prevalent and so acceptable? I really am having moments that make me doubt this is reality.
Well, it’s not like we didn’t know Dinesh D’Souza was human garbage.
Who would do this in a public space with live security cameras running.
You don’t see a difference between debunking a magic act and pushing someone to commit murder?
He’s a member of what we can now call the Derp State.
Just for lack of placing this anywhere else, I’d like to point out that the man whose image IS Trump Dating was convicted for filming himself having sex with a 15-year-old.
DTJ is the spitting image of his father where he thinks everything he says and does is completely brilliant and hilarious, but he couldn’t be more fucking rock stupid if he was cloned out of a piece of shale.
I don’t say this lightly, and I mean no disrespect to people who are intellectually limited...
Most of them would say no because they already have jobs. Being poor is a lot harder and more work than just working and earning a wage that pays the bills will ever be, and I know this from first hand experience.
I grew up in the same circumstances, though I will say that even though we attended church religiously (sorry), we received next to no assistance from them, outside of a box at Christmas, so my faith (sorry again) in religious charities is really quite limited. The only reason my mom, myself, my brother, and my…
I think it’s about time we start asking republicans what they really mean by great and/or Christian when they talk about the United States.
Sorry for the pessimism here, but I don’t feel like being forced to live the life of the working poor for a month will teach them a whole lot. Reminds me of Undercover Boss and all the sudden empathy they learn at the end of the show. It’s a PR stunt first, even if they do make meaningful changes for the people of…
2019: After suspending Senate rules in order to pass the Beg Us For Food Act, families have started to file complaints about the kinds of food handed out in the nation’s new “Poor Lines.” One couple, after receiving their Meal Box, was surprised to find a family of live ferrets inside, raising many questions about the…
Every born-rich asshole should be forced to live the life of the working poor for a month.