Its’s ok when you ask someone where they’re from. It’s not ok when you follow up with “no, but where are you from........”
Its’s ok when you ask someone where they’re from. It’s not ok when you follow up with “no, but where are you from........”
I am again reflecting on what it would be like to live in a country where the electorate choose the president rather than the electoral college.
Fun fact: in an effort to have them overlook the doping scandal, the Russian Federation first tried to bribe the IOC officials. When they flat out refused the bribe, the Russians the offered to make a generous “donation” to the next IOC charity ball, to which the IOC responded: “We don’t have balls.”
She wouldn’t be competing if the IOC had balls.
It’s definitely a red flag, especially when you add in the fact that he worked for Orrin Hatch for years. But that’s the thing about serial abusers–they are often very personable and persuasive. They’re experts at getting people to like them and believe them. I’m sure he worked up some story about, darn it, his bad…
Yes I agree! It’s pretty obvious he’s abusive. It doesn’t get much more clear cut than two MORMON divorces and a black eye pic.
Sooooooo...does noone else find the part where Porter is a TWICE-divorced Mormon to be a pretty big clue that something is seriously wrong with him? My understanding is that Mormons don’t divorce, and to divorce twice before the age of forty....seems like a thing.
Yeah, all I get for that is stars.
I often say republicans are feudalists and they won’t stop until we’re new age serfs toiling away for nothing. Stuff like this makes me think know I’m right.
I’m also confused as how this qualifies as “paid.” You pay into SS as you work, essentially that’s your money. My work for my employer is paid, as in I am paid from my employer. I’m not paid from the piggy bank I started when I was 7 with my allowance. This is ridiculous.
I hated the eTrade Super Bowl commercial last night that basically made fun of how few seniors have enough saved for retirement. Shit’s not funny. Also day trading your retirement fund is not a good solution.
Also, women married to men are much more likely to take time off from work to raise children, and to be paid less, all of which reduce their social security. And then they also are more likely to outlive their spouse. Older women are far more likely to live in poverty than older men.
YUP. You know what they could have done if they really wanted to help workers? Made the tax breaks for business contingent upon things like paid family leave and/or livable wages.
No, you don’t understand. The bootstraps trickle down if you stop stealing from the job creators like an illegal immigrant gang member.
Forcing parents to borrow against their own future is the quintessential Republican solution. Like borrowing against your 401k retirement (which has effectively wiped out retirement accounts), and the frighteningly irresponsible “financial product” called Reverse Mortgages, this is the latest way for the non-rich to…
Janet Jackson. I also dislike him based on his tone deafness (response to jesse Williams speech) and how he treated the Britney situation (exploitative by talking to media about taking her virginity etc which was just gross). Also last night demonstrated that he is also now just super lame and lacks any semblance of…
This paper was actually covered in a documentary (the one about Gawker) and they were eventually bought for something similar. Sheldon Adleson, some casino owner, didn’t like his coverage in the paper (along with some things staff had published separately) so he bought out the paper. But that doesn’t mean that media…
local papers have always had to deal with outside influence of prominent individuals who could destroy them. In the 90's you certainly didn’t go against casinos or Wynn. It is unfortunate, but a reality of corporations with limited resources being vulnerable by bullying from the uber wealthy. I don’t think that…
Same, and I’ve lived in Massachusetts my entire life. Everyone is so sad this morning and I’m like screw Tom Brady, he sucks.