Of all the people whom you’d think would know better ....
Of all the people whom you’d think would know better ....
As a Jew abroad, Netenyahu will NEVER represent me and I will refuse to claim my Israeli citizenship so long as it continues on that horrible man’s trajectory.
Cue the accusations of antisemitism for daring to question Israel in any way...
Okay, being burned with a hot-oil spoon is straight up assault and criminal. Whoever did that needs to not just be fired, but arrested. That is some sadistic shit. And considering the rest of the racial harassment alleged, I’d say it could easily be a hate crime. Burns like that are no joke, either. I suffered bad…
Not surprised by this at all. If the staff were Asian, they are notoriously racist against Blacks. I have been to their pop up in San Fran and followed them closely and it does feel as if they are leaching off the community. There isn’t as much diversity and inclusiveness in diversity as some would think. And as a Bi…
All of this has me wondering, when is Takeoff gonna take off?
“But now she’s back, for a brief moment, with a new song featuring Migos’ member Quavo”
Lol because of course. Real recognize real, trash recognize trash
You can be rich, you can be educated, and doctors will still ignore your symptoms and under-treat your pain if you’re Black. So even if you’ve led a lower stress Black person’s life, there are plenty of ways to get screwed medically.
I always thought it was because that statistically black women (overall) did not have access to the same level of health care as white women. Obviously that disparity has much to do with the systemic racism in our country. However, it does make sense that a life with high levels of stress would translate into higher…
If we don’t see a blue wave in November, if we even make it that far, we are witnesses to the collapse of western civilization.
Ultimately I want to help these people, but if white middle america goes down in flames because choose racism over life while others were trying to give them a hand and they smacked it away, I’m not going to feel too sorry.
There are clearly some who feel death is better than having a black president, who are we to…
sorry, but my 1st thought is good!
“Of all the places where the Rule of Law needs to be enforced, it should be in the hallowed halls of Congress.”
You’re the one presenting a claim simply with a couple of links and nothing behind it. How about diving into the data and showing us how it is correct, and how John Lott and the Washington Times are credible voices. Put up or shut up. I won’t hold my breath...
“John Lott is president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, a pro-gun research group.”
And to think Hillary called the Republicans a basket of deplorables. I can’t imagine how she ever got an idea like that in her head.
Trump himself spreads those rumors. He wants the world to believe he’s a virile and randy sex machine to disguise his incestuous yearnings and lust for teen girls. There’s not a woman on earth who’d voluntarily go anywhere near that shapeless wad of jiggling greasy flab and we all know it. He starts and spreads those…
I wasn’t expecting to die this way and now that I am, all I have are questions: is he a lavender man? ocean breeze? maybe some sort of vanilla concoction??
I’ve done sales and marketing for almost 2 decades and her ask is not crazy. People need to get out of their, “I hate youtubers, influencers, millennials, or whatever” bubbles and realize that this is a young woman who was just trying to run her business like she’s been told it should be run probably by people above…