
I don’t immediately disagree with Greer about how the current laws are failing us. Even when victims do report rape, the vast majority of cases are not really eligible for prosecution because they aren’t considered to have enough evidence, leaving victims with no other avenues for justice. Even when a case goes to

So you’re dumb as well as racist. Good combo, Cletus.

You seem to not understand that the question was sarcastic. There is no more to the quote, because he did not say anything about the agents being disciplined.

Dear god I love Chewing Gum so much, too. So excited they’re making a 3rd season. I was not expecting to get so...involved with the characters. After binge watching over a couple of days, I was thinking about it for weeks!

I was more thinking about one’s neighbors, especially upstairs.

Other than the fact that the smell of weed smoke goes away like 10x faster than the smell of cigg smoke, sure.

The current president ran his entire campaign about how shitty America was.

These are the 33 Democrats who probably think Lucy will let Charlie Brown finally kick that football too.

“By the way, she still says she is not proud of America.”

“Hanoi jane” matters to that little coterie of whackadoos like Jerome Corsi and the Swiftboat Vets for Truth. Out-and-out nutters who do not at all represent American veterans.

None of the people I’ve ever heard call Jane Fonda “Hanoi Jane” were veterans.

I watched the Vietnam documentary with my Vietnam vet dad and when the topic of “Hanoi Jane” came up he quickly said “oh who cares.”

There are nicer plastic spoons than the disposable ones.

Technically plastic is okay because it won’t react with the sulfur in the fish eggs but honestly caviar isn’t such a treat that anyone eats it for the taste. It’s all about the experience and using disposable plastic tableware is ruining it. If they can’t serve it in style why offer it on the menu?

Disposable plastic spoons are absolutely not reasonable at that cost.

I hope you don’t work in fine dining.

I’m surprised it wasn’t triscuits or goldfish crackers.

Toast points, miniature mother of pearl spoon and maybe, just maybe a tiny bit of sour cream if you don’t feel confident about the very distinctive taste. Crackers, plastic spoons and even serving with paper napkins when you are paying that amount are an embarrassment and just not good form.

Worse: “We will force you to have a baby and we will actively prevent you from getting assistance to raise it.”

We will force you to have a baby but fuck you if you need any assistance raising it.

“Science is on our side. Evolution is real.”