I hate quoting other people’s jokes but since you included the Colbert gif, he said (paraphrasing):
I hate quoting other people’s jokes but since you included the Colbert gif, he said (paraphrasing):
He would NOT pay a lot. Don is notoriously cheap. He’d comp her a room at one of his hotels or something
literally read any of the dozens of articles here on jez and on the root and you’ll fine the answer you’re searching for. do a little self-educating for once, jesus.
Oh, go fuck off to another site. That picture was taken in 1930. The woman in the black dress on the left side of the picture there looks like she’s under 18, which means that she was born around 1912. Her children, presuming she had them, could very, very well still be alive today.
Come on, that’s not totally fair. If you don’t take a selfie while protesting, how else will the world know how incredibly and completely woke you are?
Not just The Root. Every non-Cis White Heteronormative person is going to be watching this one just waiting for the inevitable #NotAllWhiteWomen remarks.
If there is justice in the universe, these right to life hypocrites will be reincarnated as refugees in their next lives.
But somehow everyone still distrusts atheists. We never chain up kids in our houses..........
You are either insane or off your meds. Get a mental health screening. Your paranoid imagination has deemed christians as a persecuted class in the us, but really they are the perpetrators of persecution. Think you are a little mixed up in the head. Next please tell me about the war on X-mas.
I wonder if this religiously righteous person who did this will have the courage of their convictions to step up and take responsibility.
Once more for those in the back...I live in a historically purple state that voted red. Our big cities all voted blue. My friends and neighbors voted blue.
Serves them right for living in an arbitrarily determined area!
It’s no fair that bears are so maul-y, because they look like they’d be super awesome to snuggle with, if they weren’t so prone to making your innards outards.
That bear tummy is 100% to like. I want to snuggle it. Please don’t maul me, adorable floofy bear!
Why is Jezebel obligated to have a “take” on every sexual assault story in the news. That’s how you get lazy articles that add nothing to the conversation.
She also expressed her feelings to him the next day. He heard her out and apologized. I see no reason to doubt the sincerity of his apology. His statement on the matter affirms that he took her words to heart.
This x100.
This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.
If they are who they want to try to portray him as, why did they want to be with him for years and years in various activities, whether it was events and fundraisers and other things?