
Are you fucking serious? Congratulations on being the first, but not the last, white woman to miss the entire point.

FEMA is already stretched thin because they can’t/won’t hire people. So that forces the people they do have to work overtime because umm natural disasters aren’t a 9-5 thing. Then the employees get screwed over and have to pay money back? So I’m guessing a lot of FEMA people will be quitting thus making the next

So the plan is that everyone that works for FEMA quits because no one can afford this. FEMA is eliminated because no one can afford to work for FEMA. And then at the next 10 hurricanes we get, everybody dies. Good job, Republicans at Making America the Worst Fucking Place to Live and Work.. MATWFPTLAW is probably too

Well, yeah they should return it! Billionaire’s need their tax breaks after all!

Yeah that checks out: it doesn’t help any of Trump’s pals and FEMA totally sounds like it should be a 9-to-5 job.

SING MIKEY SING!!!! I will personally drive a bus to DC for you to throw people under! Name all the names! DOOO ITTT.

Let them get a little bit warmed up ...

If this were anything but the Trump Administration, we’d all just say, “Good riddance to bad rubbish.” He’s a terrible Secretary of State.

....Great episode. As far as I’m concerned, listening to you guys explore the week’s dirtiest dirt is heaven and no interview could improve upon it. I’d even appreciate a two-hour long episode of gossip rag rehash and reaction!

I read them as implying more complex statements: “believe women” = “believe women as a group” whereas “believe all women” = “believe each woman.”

Really, my main takeaway from the WaPo story is how incompetent PV comes across as. It’s almost as if they have no understanding whatsoever of how basic journalism works. Like it didn’t occur to them that the paper might Google their mole’s name.

Conservative Twitter is having a cow over this. O’Keefe is like a god to many of them, and the fact that he got owned so hard isn’t something too many of them can get their minds around.

I was super-duper worried that he’d get asked a tough question, and then he’d be like, really uncomfortable and stuff.

The media hasn’t learned anything from 2016. When Trump and his flying monkeys were going into interviews and sprouting blatant falsehoods, virtually no one in the media ever nutted up and fact checked them on the spot. And so blatant falsehoods end up engraved in the national conversation right next to facts. Guess

Dude. How much more ammo do you guys need over there? It’s stockpile after fucking stockpile. And yet the crazies (who vote for these scum) get more crazed. While liberal tolerance keeps growing. To accommodate all the fresh fucking ammo raining down from these bigoted bogging ball bags.

Evangelicals never were.

Exactly. I have no desire to ‘understand’ them. I want them to go fucking extinct.

This is where all the liberal hand-wringing leads us. If I see one more “Volk of der Heartland” piece which explains to us latte-sippers just what those inexplicable people are thinking so we can understand them better, I’m going to fucking scream. Mostly I’ve learned that what they think is not worth listening to.

Martina dropping the mic....

I love Rashida. I bet Pixar was overwhelmed with relief when they started reading, but then she hit them with that last sentence like: