
Good. I wish EVERYONE who claims to be feminist or progressive would sever ties. I’ll never forget the Jia Tolentino piece on Jezebel which in my very humble opinion did not go far enough at all, and the scores of commenters who were willing to give Lena pass after motherfucking pass despite example after

This is why I hate heavy labor (construction, drilling, mining, commercial fishing, truck driving, military jobs) in general. When you sell your body, you are the product. Your self worth and personal value is literally monetized. It’s gross. Don’t sell your body!

Don’t shame women for survival work. Your comment only helps perpetuate the devaluing of sex workers. Women will rely on survival work as long as we suffer sexism, racism, colorism, transphobia. Fix that instead of calling sex workers “gross.” Come the fuck on.

No, no, no. There isn’t a link between older fathers and autism. That’s just too damn logical. It’s the vaccines! Always the vaccines! Men are never at fault for anything in utero!

That’s basically a reference from a boss who was told by HR that he wasn’t allowed to say that the person was crap at their job.

“I don’t see extensive trial experience as the sole factor in deciding whether a nominee is qualified,” wrote Grassley in a letter defending Talley’s nomination.

For 8 years, low-info voter was them purposely misconstruing “I’m a PoC and I’m proud that our president is black” as “I only voted for him because he’s black!11"

Because Brietbart hasn’t run afoul of a petty, vindictive piece of shit billionaire.

Another article stated that the JMC poll was conducted using landlines which narrows their demographic to old, white bread people.

Leave it to an Alabama newspaper to misspell a six-letter word.

Shit! Google suff before posting things like this! It’s sick to believe Woody over his own daughter’s accusation!

The daughter has since publicly confirmed that it happened. It’s not just Mia vs. Woody.

I do not get the woody Allen Hollywood circle jerk. OR roman Polanski.

Were they accused by 4 different people?

I was very ashamed of myself for believing all the rumors about her being a greedy old lady defaming an upstanding brand because she wasn’t smart enough to do what most toddlers can. The documentary about this case absolutely horrified me and I recommend it to anyone I hear talking shit about her.

I was referring more to the picture of him with the leader of China.

Good lord, he has reverse body dysmorphia doesn’t he? He probably thinks he still looks like that.

I’ve seen several people point out or ask if he’s losing weight over the last month or two. It’s almost like there’s something happening that’s making him stressed, like there’s some kind of threatening specter just looming over him and getting closer and closer with each passing day. But what could it be?

More like a kazoo.

Seemed fairly obvious to me at least that Xi was catering to trump’s narcissism with all the pageantry and hoopla. Header photo shows Xi’s barely concealed disgust and trump’s oblivious shit eating grin. They also cut out a lot of his live speech on Chinese tv.