Gerrymandering was supposed to prevent a blue wave like this which is a good omen for 2018.
Which brings me to my next point. At what point will Republicans decide to stop appealing to an increasingly shrinking number of Americans and hoping they can just prevent enough of the other sorts of Americans from voting?
That’s generally how I try to hire people. I can easily train them in the skills required for the job. I can’t train them not to be idiots and assholes.
There are those that argue it is wrong to punch nazis. I agree that punching people - actual human beings - is wrong. But if you march around in public espousing a morally bankrupt philosophy that calls for violent genocide, you have surrendered your humanity. So let the punching commence!
Add in the “health coach” title and you get Beach Body. Uh, “coach”? You literally just told me to drink shakeology for several meals a day and then to eat a salad and you will be super healthy and so full of energy. No. No, I will not. I will be full of nothing because that stuff makes everything from the top of my…
...and even if it IS desirable product, that doesn’t magically not make it a pyramid scheme.
If you have to say it’s not a pyramid’s probably a pyramid scheme.
Dude. A highly desirable product? Most women do not want to leave the house dressed like 4-year olds. Pipe down with this assessment of your fugly-ass, rip-apart-at-the-first-wear clothing.
A trans woman defeating the guy who tried to pass a bathroom bill is the kind of poetic justice we need.
In a piece about Iggy’s career evolution, songwriter Verse Simmonds told Jezebel ...
And what exactly is Swift the victim of here?
Elaine Duke’s bullshit suggestion that TPS holders “seek alternative lawful immigration status” is a deliberate attempt to make it seem as if those with TPS can just magic up a fucking green card tree and pluck lawful status from it, and their failure to do so until now means that they’ve just been lazy and so…
A) I counted at least 4 people quoted in the article who were not identified as inmateach, so your comment is already false.
Halfway houses reduce recidivism rates. They’re counterproductive to private prison corporations, and private prison corporations are generous donors to the Republican Party, whose policies in turn ensure a steady and returning stream of “customers” (inmates).
Also anybody who is dishonorably discharged from the military is not allowed to by guns. Meanwhile, the other dude immigrated here legally.
Thoughts and prayers.
A mentally ill man easily buys an assault rifle, with no background check, nothing, and it’s somehow not a gun problem.
we must confront the evil in men’s hearts and show them that beating up Rand Paul is not the answer.
Must be nice having that evil State funded healthcare you hate so much there to treat you for free at a time like this eh Rand.