
Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, Reince Priebus, David Clarke, and now this asshole?

Republican 1: There are no jobs! Immigrants and Libruls and the Illuminati stole them all! Think of all the poor, uneducated white people that could be filling those roles as doctors or scholars!

Bigots hate it when you call them racist — even though the two aren’t mutually exclusive..

Ivanka Trump is thoughts and prayers on legs.

Absolutely right. The correct term is xenophobic - not racist.

I remember my Repub co-workers getting so fucking angry at Obama when he tried to “influence” an active case by saying that if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin. I wonder why none of them are saying anything about a sitting president crying for the death penalty on an open case. Hmmmmm... what could

“...while incentivizing job growth within —”

“Again, sorry Mr. Speaker, but just for copy editing purposes, when you say ‘Cut Cut Cut Act,’ should that be with hyphens or without?”

No one should be able to amass that much wealth when 16 million children go hungry everyday or when 30+ million people still don’t have healthcare in the US.

He’s one of my senators. I’ve already emailed and tweeted him, so I’m sure the form email I get back in a month will address my concerns. /s

Man, if I was a DC journalist I would be trolling him so hard on that.

“So as you can see, this bill wil-”
“Which bill, Mr Speaker...?”
“The, uh,cut, cut...” /sigh/ “...cut bill.”

Now playing

Apparently the aftermath of a mass shooting perpetrated by a white guy “is not the time to be talking about gun control laws” but when a brown person kills some people, Trump cannot cancel Visa programs fast enough.

Yes. “White guy with a gun” = ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Trump addressing the Visa program is especially hypocritical (what does he do that isn’t?) in light of his response to the Las Vegas attack.

Remember all the crying and bitching Charlottesville’s PD did about how the white supremacists were all “from the outside” and “not an accurate portrayal of the city” and whatnot? Mmmmmmmhmm

Why would a warrant be issued at all? I’m sure you can go to Virginia and find all sorts of crime that people wished was solved and pursued. Here is an alleged “trace” of narcotics on luggage...which has passed through all sorts of hands and storage...if it is indeed even her item at all. You can’t get a cop to pursue

Alleged traces of narcotics.

I am going to put about 50% of it on the subconscious racism of doctors and their treatment of black women.

Take this star and get the hell out of here...