Beatrice is my homegirl

The bigger mystery to me is, who watches these videos? Who follows these people and wants to listen to basic people spewing basic shit for 45 minutes, which could be condensed into 2 minutes but they stretch it out foreeeeever to get more $$$$?

My 8 year old son looks up to you

Dear white people, you can’t turn the other cheek when someone is kneeling on your neck.

Seriously. Especially right now, a certain level of regression is expected in kids, and 5-year-olds are still sometimes figuring out potty training - it’s more common at night and with boys, but this is definitely not something that gossip columnists need to be concerned about.

Oh c’mon, “she was basically on an extended vacation,” really? Whether or not you agree with the family’s decision to stay in place, Kelly at least is working. Whether or not you like her/her job, she’s showing up every morning and giving it 100%.

I’m less concerned with Kristen Bell’s 5 year old still in diapers than with the president routinely shitting his diapers.

Every kid is different. There might be developmental or emotional issues we don’t know about. Maybe back off the criticism of a strangers parenting?

I’m so bored of quarantine shamers. Is she rich and privileged? Yes. Did she shelter in place? Also yes. Did she contribute to the overtaxation of the local health system? Arguably no if they were in a tourist town and followed social distancing guidelines. I’m.... not outraged. 

I think Harry is missing having a structure to his life right now

I just read an amazing interview with Natasha Lyonne in RS and she said her best friend, Chloe Sevigny, was the one person who rallied so hard to get her work again after her drug-related downfall. And of course we’ve all seen the brilliant work from Lyonne since then... something for the Chloe Sevigny haters to chew

Children shouldn’t murder their baby-mamas with kitchen knives just because they don’t want to be parents, then.

I know this sounds too hyperbolic taken on its face, but I do think it’s something that should be said and considered: to some extent, organisations like Jezebel are continuing, and furthering, the abuse that people have suffered when they insist to us that they are notable first and foremost for their victimhood.

Counterpoint: the new Star Wars was good, not bad.

I prefer the Karen Coalition. They vow to speak to as many managers as it takes to make sure everyone else is as miserable as they are. 

Jenna Jameson

The thing that comes to mind about this, is the same that comes to mind about other celebrities who have been accused of similar (or worse) offenses: if he wanted sex, he didn’t need to behave that way. He may not have been able to have sex with x person, but he probably could have had consensual sex with y or z person

I humbly submit that your heart could stand to grow a few sizes. 

Good for Beck for getting out, but it’s silly for him to pretend like we were all just imagining him being a Scientologist when he explicitly said he was in a 2005 interview.

I was very confused by that paragraph since the queen mother has been dead for 17 years. If Eugenie/Beatrice said their gran loves it, I assume that would refer to their grandmother, the Queen. Unless the elder Elizabeth has been expressing her love of The Crown from the afterlife via Ouija board.  I do love the idea

Me too.  Except its not from babysitting my little brother.  Its from watching it in real time when I was a child (Sesame Street debuted when I was 1 year old).