Beatrice is my homegirl

Am I wrong in saying there’s something vaguely sinister about that picture of Farrow? I mean, you all seem to use that image every time you do a piece on Farrow, so maybe you think it’s a good picture. I just think he looks like a waxwork facsimile of a human being, which makes me wonder whether there’s some kind of

The racist is the most fragile and insecure snowflake of all.

My first thought was that the airlines don’t want to pay licensing fees anymore.

Since distinctions do matter, Armenian Apostolic is neither Orthodox nor Catholic. It is its own thing, and has always been. There are similarities of course, much as Lutherans are similar to Episcopalians, but they are still definitively different churches.

I promise you as a grown ass 50 year old if I had that kind of money, I’d have an extensive library, a museum worthy art collection and a giant fucking popcorn machine that produced hot, fresh any flavored popcorn at the press of a button, next to the 50 flavors ice cream machine. I  have no feelings for Bieber but I

Famously disappointed cruiseship passengers.

Ellen, GWB tried to put an anti-LGBT amendment in the Constitution because he was antsy about not getting a second term and needed to fire up the base. As in, he literally believed you and your wife weren’t entitled to the rights he has, which laid the foundation for Trump to win now.

Honestly I’m disappointed in Jezebel that you continue to exploit an adoptive, disabled child who’s been through shit by willingly not following up on the full story, and instead going with the Daily Mail clickbait. There were enough legit sources of info in the comment sections last time that you can’t claim

It is actually “Till” in most traditional vows. The Anglican Common Book of Prayer vows from my wedding were “I, ____, take you, ____, to be my wife (or husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us


the Queen lightly slapped him across the face”

I mean, it’s pretty on-brand for an American teacher of the French language to be linguistically pedantic and a religious bigot in equal measures.

Technicality. True Gen Xers weren’t having babies in 1992.

Don’t give in to boomer and Gen X pressure...

Is the Anna Farris story supposed to be endearing? Because it’s definitely not.

This article doesn’t even touch on why the creation of the labradoodle was a problem aside from the usual “they’re being bred by people just in it for the money” issue of dog breeding.

I know, right?  When E. coli in spinach makes a lot of people sick, it’s usual to pull it from the shelves for a while and recall whole batches.  And you don’t see a bunch of bloggers going, “Stop the spinach panic! I have been eating spinach for six years and I’m fine.”

Honestly, the reaction to the Vape “panic” is a legitimate and reasonable reaction - something is shown to be correlated to making a bunch of people sick, and places decide to stop selling it until more information is known. That is a very sane reaction.

The youth tobacco use rate has been on a downward trend for decades, until e-cigarettes became common. It increased by about 40% between 2017 and 2018.

Tell that to my friend’s fiancee and his family....he is sitting in the hospital right this very second with a lung infection that won’t go away and is resisting all forms of antibiotic. He didn’t vape any blackmarket THC. He has been vaping, normally and legally for about 2 years.