Beatrice is my homegirl

No, let them learn young that they don’t get to say racist and misogynist shit without consequences.

he’s been the face of this cologne for well over a year. why are people just getting upset now? I’ve had to stare at this fucker’s face at bus stops for months. it looks like an advertisement for whiskey sweats and domestic abuse. 

A father says the nicest, least narcissitic, least sexist things, about his daughter in public and somehow that’s...weird? And taking credit for her doing well?

1. What the fuck are you talking about? 2. Fuck off.

My son, also 6, loves to dance. He loves to do cartwheels, sommersaults, and swing. He was in an acrobatics-dance class at age 4 that he than asked to repeat at age 5 because he liked it so much.

I don’t believe that older women are worthless. I’ve never thought that.

A friend’s son loooooooooooved everything about Eurovision, including the outfits and dance routines. It brought him so much joy. Until of course he was bullied for his clothes and backpack by little shits that had been taught that boys don’t like that sort of thing. Most of the kids in his school didn’t bat an eye

It’s like a grammar exercise

I’ve heard another solution is to just stay home in your pajamas and put your feet up and watch television.

How lucky her motorcycle crashed during the golden hour.

No shit?

For purposes of full disclosure, my brother (aka your uncle) was with me on that drive and there were a lot of songs I’d have listened to before listening to him for three days straight.

Hmmm. I expected this to be filled under: Love Is Dead”

Naw, that’s literally you. Come from poverty and still manage to care about both humans and dogs, and absolutely would not abuse one. Maybe it’s regional, or cultural, or -al I can’t think of off the top of my head. Not trying to make you feel bad or anything here, just don’t want to be lumped in that.

But it’s not a

I am 60, divorced 5 years and have no intention of having any sort of relationship with a man ever again. I don’t miss sex, or living with a man. Am quite content alone with my pets in my small apartment. Can’t even putting up with all that again. Late-life divorce is freedom, even if money is tight. And oddly enough

I left the faith when I was 20. Nearly 30 years later, I still sometimes get a long, dark night of the soul where I’m terrified that I’ll go to Hell and that my non-Christian husband and kids will, too.

I grew up an evangelical, “speaking in tongues”, born-again Christian. I was anti-abortion, anti pre-marital sex, and had no idea what LGBTQ+ was (it didn’t even have the letters back then).

Yes, it would have been nice if he had realized this before he wrote his book, however the book was a reflection of part of that culture and someone would have written something similar.

They were homophobic.  All I need.