Beatrice is my homegirl

I stopped reading at “At the same time that Santa Fe and Taos undergo a massive and perhaps irreversible gentrification process.” FFS, Taos is a goddamned ski resort and has been an artist colony since 1899. Georgia O’Keeffe moved to Santa Fe in 1984. Both these places were gentrified before this person was even born.

It takes me weeks back in Brooklyn to recover.

That’s what bugs the shit out of me about this whole thing. He acts like the only person hurt in all this was HIM but he’s gotten past it all and moved on so everyone else should too. Are you fucking kidding me? Absolutely no mention of the guy he literally tortured and abused. That’s how I know he did all that

“Mesa go to Middle East now to get da monies for 666 Fifth, will punish if dey refusin’, Okeeday?”

I’m of the opinion that restaurants should have to pay servers a living wage and tipping should not be mandatory.

So, the dirty deets were sold to a tab by petty Priddy for a pretty penny?

Being a (male) pro athlete is the closest we have to actual royalty in this country. These guys can absolutely do no wrong or suffer any consequences. And the younger they achieve fame, the more they are prone to criminal behavior.

“I’ve always thought Easter was a bullshit holiday. Unlike most proper holidays, you don’t get a day off of work or school.”

Aubrey’s picture makes me sad.

I gave you a star, but I threw it at you.

Q. How did Courtney Love beat Coffeehouse security?

“An innocent dupe” doesn’t begin to cover it. She was violently abused by a man who refused to reconcile his own conflicting urges and thus made her the object of his displaced anger.

If Hillary gets paid for speeches, she’s a greedy bitch. If she gets paid less, she’s a failure. If she goes away (to, say, walk in the woods) she’s ridiculed. If she writes a book. If she trips while on vacation. If she has pneumonia. If she wears makeup. If she doesn’t wear makeup. She’s the patron saint of Women I see what you’re saying but can I say the N-word if-

I hope we never find out. Because if we do that means her privacy has been violated badly and she doesn’t deserve that.

Agreed. The mean spirited tone of this is also, of course, leading to commenters remarking about how all tattoos are ugly and once again I find myself wondering why this site is encouraging people to shame others for what they choose to do with their own bodies. I don’t want to defend Ben fucking Affleck ever, but on

100%. I came here to be annoyed at Matt Damon and I’m a little disappointed. You can’t talk shit about your friend behind their hideously tattooed back. You have to bite your tongue and support them.

Although I’m loathe to ever have Matt Damon’s phoenixless back, you have to defend your friends. Have I gently mocked my best friend’s sleeve which consists of an owl, a tai chi symbol and her astrological sign? You better believe it. But I will never acknowledge how hideous it is with an outsider.

Oh, they have quite an extensive history. Not many people know this, that was Hugh in the E.T. costume.