So, SNL co-head writer has pattern of harrassing and intimidating women online = Fine.
So, SNL co-head writer has pattern of harrassing and intimidating women online = Fine.
Y’know, if we all had access to bombs and bomb-making material this never would have happened because a good guy with a bomb can always stop a bad guy with a bomb.
“ how can we ever expect men to stop treating women like objects if they won’t treat objects like women”
“Xdolls conveys a degrading image of women.”
United was already on my “don’t fly unless there really they’re the absolute cheapest / there are no other options” list before Dr. Dao because I’ve not had great flying experiences with them since, at best, the mid-aughts.
I am trying not to be super salty about this because any improvement would be good but for fuck’s sake. It is REALLY HARD for me to be rooting for better paternity policies for men (especially in other countries) when the maternity policies here in the US are still a goddamn crapshoot. I know it’s not the point of the…
You may now give each other married wedded bliss REALNESS.
Girl. Do you Tom, take Abby, my KWERN, to be your lawfully wedded hunty forever and over?
Found ‘that guy.’
Whoever approved that ad should be placed in an overhead bin.
Seeing a black woman hate on Bruno Mars while using a Japanese handle that means “I love you” should be a textbook example of the word irony.
I hate that we’re even having this conversation. Miley Cirus and Taylor Swift and Demi Lovato and Katy Perry got away with actual appropriation. Miley might’ve been the worst offender in the history of mankind. She took from the culture, made it look like absolute trash, and then walked away from it when she got…
That’s great! To be fair, none of that was stated in the above. And the tone, seemingly directed at the readership, was like a passive aggressive “you’d miss us if we were gone!” Of course we would, it’s why we were all upset you all left us - your compatriots in this fight - hanging with this immature ass article on…
It’s so crazy how some people don’t respond well to a random “hey tell me if you’ve ever been sexually assaulted!”
But, on the bright side, we’ve managed to make #metoo about putting women on the spot and make them uncomfortable in fun new ways. It was the natural endgame.
Is anyone going to ask men about #metoo or is it only potential female rape victims who get interrogated endlessly as to whether they’ve been raped? Maybe she feels she can’t afford to be truthful. What an ungrateful dumb bitch.
RuPaul is just trying to protect his brand. He’s taken a very queer, diverse art style that spans many genders, sexes, and gender identities and created a processed, mass-produced, particular style of “McDrag” for his target audience of cishet women who just want to see men act as flamboyantly faggy as possible.…
At some point, we can’t keep treating awards shows like the court of public opinion.
Mansplaining is offering advice / information which may or may not be “corrective” based on the (most likely mistaken) presumption that you (a man) know better / more than the woman you are talking to does. The subject, whether it be women’s issues, how to fix a car or how the universe was born, isn’t really…