Beatrice is my homegirl

Dad was allowed on with cargo shorts.

Imagine if this had been mentioned several times in the article you skimmed. Just imagine!

I personally think we should broadcast every single execution on tv. Preempt any other programming. Kids should have to watch it in school. If the American public wants death, give them so much they choke on it.

I thought it was really relaxing? Am I weird for that? My heart swelled when they cut to the sunset, thought that was neat.

Anyone who is appalled by the tone of this email is adorably inexperienced when it comes to receiving emails from the executive leadership down to middle management and below. The genre is always self-congratulatory and filled with ‘team wins’ that mean nothing to the recipients, but the execs feel like ‘sharing the

Not really clear on what they expected him to say? I mean, he says, “Hey, folks still working at US Weekly, this is going to be really good for you and the people who have acquired you are good people to work for,” and he says, “Hey, folks who are still working with us, don’t worry, this is part of a bigger plan

“Just give me a little trim up top, and in the ears, and get rid of all the Mexicans. Terrific, terrific.”

This could have been Emmett Till: 2017 version.

Take every rape allegation seriously and investigate it to your full capability. Do not automatically believe every allegation. This is why. Well this and 100+ years of American race relations.


I’ve had to struggle what to think of Cosby since all this broke widely too. Not in the “is he a monster or not” sense, as he clearly is, but in the “how to reconcile the genius of his comedic career and what he did or tried to do for black people in this country with the horrible crimes that it turns out he was

I’ve made this argument on Jez to much (obvious) contention but really, I just don’t think comedy is for progressives. Modern progressives are too sensitive and go into viewing entertainment with a list of boxes to check for groups and subgroups and sub-subgroups that shouldn’t be “offended.”

I watched Spin last night, and Rich is leaving out a key part of the Cosby commentary - that being it was a callback to a joke done earlier in the show concerning a superhero who resorts to rape to maximize his “powers,” setting up a moral conundrum of “he rapes, but he saves lives.”

This wasn’t Andrew Dice Clay

Tough Skins! Winnie the Pooh Shoes! The Smell of Popcorn! A Real Candy Counter! Huge Toy Department! School Clothes Shopping in August! 10 Speed Free Spirit Bikes! Santa Pics at Christmas! Giant Christmas Catalog to peruse with a greedy heart!

Charles and Diana’s pairing came about for much the same reason people have disaster sex - the need for human closeness and comfort during a tough time.

I know this piece was tongue-in-cheek, but... The “big deal” aspect of this trip is that it’s William’s first official visit to France/Paris since his mother died.

Do you understand the kind of brainwashing that woman has been subject to for her entire life? People in Quiverfull circles actually think that divorce is worse than murder. She’s under incredible pressure from both sides of the family to “forgive” him. And since she’s probably been homeschooled her entire life until

Man, Trump is one creepy fuck. If he hadn’t inherited his Daddy’s money, he’d be a washed up, alcoholic car salesman living in Queens