Beatrice is my homegirl

I don’t understand this concept that wives must be angry about their husbands going out. It looked to me like he was having fun and playing around. It’s not like he was grinding up on somebody. I may be married but that doesn’t mean my husband and I don’t spend time apart with friends. My guess is Kate gives 0 fucks.

Yes, there was absolutely no blowback from that incident you were easily able to pull up screengrabs of and immediately remember over 20 years after the fact.

I don’t think celebrities are necessarily obligated to voice political concerns, but when TS uses feminism as marketing, I think she somewhat opens herself up to this kind of criticism.

1) Completely redoing your constitutional model is not easy. Why haven’t we Americans gotten rid of the electoral college? It’s anti-democracy, after all. Having a queen with no formal power is less anti-democratic than having Presidential canidates get over 2 million more votes and still lose. Changing things is

It’s possible to be an atheist who isn’t an asshole.

I’m seriously struggling to form a civil response to this, but I’ll keep trying in the hopes this can be a teachable moment.

Yep. The biggest reason people forgo amniocentesis in particular (which is the only test that would have been offered at that time) is that it can trigger a miscarriage and has some risks to the mother as well. Basically, it involves passing a large-bore needle through the abdomen and uterus and (hopefully) into the

This is so cold hearted I cant even..however, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not forgo medical testing per se. Just blood transfusion. There are many reasons that people forego prenatal testing.

Such a huge bummer. As a plus-size clothes wearer, Modcloth has been of my go to’s because they have such cute products. I won’t continue to shop there if they’re owned by Walmart, though. I refuse to support a company that treats its employees so badly.

The response from the N.C. Democratic Party was beautiful.

Oh fuck this guy. Welcome to being an adult, your shitty hateful actions have consequences, and one of those consequences is that everyone thinks you’re a shitty, hateful bigot now.

I’m incredibly old, and I remember well that my friends and I watched American Bandstand religiously (mostly on my best friend’s TV, which was a huge, clumsy, black-and-white cabinet set, an RCA if I’m remembering correctly—this was back in the day, when TV stations signed off late at night and came back on with the

I feel all sorts of sad for these closeted kids, of course, but I also love this story. It’s important to be able to look back on heteronormative institutions and see the queer reality beneath the surface. It helps to destroy the myth that things were “better” and “normal” [again, read: heteronormative] in the “good

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a writer in possession of a blank headline must be in want of a dead celebrity.

Look at mom’s iron grip on his arm. Dying.

If Jezebel is gonna publish stories about child-molestation-enabler Mama June’s fucking weight loss, it seems odd to complain about the awful possibility of a reality show that will bolster the fame and fortune of murderer OJ Simpson. Either it’s okay to slobber over reprehensible people because of their celebrity

What a bummer for that dude who has to watch his kids. This is on par with parents who say they are “babysitting”.

I don’t get why you boys feel the need to post jokes and shallow vapid pieces all day. How hard is it to do a couple of gossipy-fun posts (you know celebs, sports what the fuck ever that is silly and fun), a couple of updates on what the administration is doing, and updates on the Women’s Strike Day? Why are you all

But Naomi normally gets along with everyone.

So what’s it called? A “flipoffian tube?”